Coronavirus UK: Pubs and restaurants ‘could open next month’

Pubs could be allowed to reopen as early as next month, as the Prime Minister tonight gave Britons fresh hope of enjoying a drink in a beer garden this summer. Boris Johnson tonight told MPs he hopes to allow watering holes and restaurants to re-open earlier July 4 – the date which has been set … Read more

Pubs and restaurants could reopen as early as next month says Boris Johnson

Pubs and restaurants could reopen NEXT MONTH as Boris Johnson says roadmap is moving ‘faster than previously thought’ Prime Minister sparks hope of reopening pubs and restaurants from next month  Boris Johnson says we may be able to do things ‘faster than previously thought’ Government lockdown roadmap currently has hospitality reopening on July 4 Here’s how … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Slash social-distancing to allow more pubs to reopen, say UK landlords

Slash social distancing to 3ft to allow up to 120% more pubs to reopen, urge UK landlords who say smaller venues without beer gardens will struggle to keep 6ft gap between drinkers Brewery bosses claim many pubs are too small to enforce stringent measures They say halving recommended distance would mean more pubs can reopen  … Read more

UK pubs may stay shut until JULY, brewery boss hints

Pubs may stay shut until JULY! Brewery boss hints government’s ‘target date for reopening bars and beer gardens’ is at least five weeks off and NOT June 1 as ministers promised Chief executive of Marston’s brewery Ralph Findlay said it may be five weeks off Desperate drinkers were hoping to be back in their local … Read more

Britain’s best hotels, B&Bs and perfect pubs with rooms from Cornwall to Scotland

Step back in time, a century or so ago, and this green and pleasant land of ours was blessed with inns and hostelries to welcome weary travellers. But 50 years ago the domestic market paled and could not compete with the lure of a foreign tan and exotic sights. Now, though, home-grown hospitality has come … Read more

Fuller’s boss: Half of my pubs can’t open if the two-metre rule stays

When Boris Johnson ordered Britain’s pubs to close, Fuller’s boss Simon Emeny was in full flow. Just 48 hours earlier he had opened two new pubs in East London and Dorset, and was midway through renovating 11 more. Eight weeks later, having closed all 393 Fuller’s pubs across London and the South of England and … Read more

Pubs gear up for a takeaway booze bonanza this weekend

Thirsty Britons will head to pubs tomorrow to enjoy takeaway drinks on what promises to be a boozy Bank Holiday weekend.  Hundreds of landlords across the country are gearing up to open their bars, most of which have been mothballed during the coronavirus lockdown. The millions of sunseekers taking advantage of relaxed restrictions in the … Read more

Two metre rule could be relaxed raising hopes more pubs and restaurants will be able to reopen

Plans to ease the two-metre social distancing rule will continue to be reviewed, public health leaders have said, raising hopes that more pubs and restaurants will be able to reopen. Public Health England’s medical director Professor Yvonne Doyle told MPs that the UK had taken a ‘cautionary’ approach to introducing the rule when other countries … Read more

The future of Wetherspoons: Boss Tim Martin reveals plans to REOPEN 875 pubs

JD Wetherspoon today revealed its £11million masterplan to reopen its 875 pubs in the UK and Ireland as soon as the Government gives them the nod in July – but there is growing pressure on Boris Johnson to make it earlier. Drinkers will be expected to sanatise their hands on arrival and repeatedly during their … Read more

Reopening pubs and restaurants NOW would NOT risk a second coronavirus spike says Oxford professor

Pubs, restaurants and entertainment venues may be safe to reopen immediately without risking a spike in the coronavirus infection rate, according to a top scientist. Sunetra Gupta, a professor at the University of Oxford, claims there is a ‘strong possibility’ businesses would be able to welcome customers once more, and avoid the kind of catastrophic … Read more