Restaurants and pubs will open their loos but marshalls will police customers’ use

Britons visiting pubs or restaurants will be able to use the toilets inside when they reopen but will have to maintain social distancing, it was revealed today. Westminster Council said it can ‘see no reason why existing toilet facilities inside licensed premises can’t be used by customers’ when London’s West End reopens.  But businesses in … Read more

Scotland could be the first UK nation to re-open its PUBS to serve punters outdoors

So just WHEN will pubs reopen? Nicola Sturgeon confirms Scottish hospitality industry will remain CLOSED well into July despite a ‘gradual opening’ of its economy – as Boris Johnson refuses to to confirm July 4 date for English boozers to reopen She will update Scotland about its lockdown in Holyrood this afternoon It could see Scottish … Read more

Richard Caring warns PM’s ‘indecision’ on reopening restaurants, pubs could cost two million jobs

One of Britain’s most powerful business tycoons has launched a blistering attack on the Government, warning that Boris Johnson’s ‘weakness and indecision’ on reopening restaurants, pubs and cafes will cost more than two million workers their jobs.  In a rare interview, restaurateur and private members’ club mogul Richard Caring – whose empire includes the famous Annabel’s … Read more

Pubs can ignore two-metre rule when they reopen but should ban singing and shouting

Pubs, restaurants and shops could be allowed to ignore the two-metre rule when they reopen but should ban singing and shouting because it spreads coronavirus.  It means businesses could have staff working closer together as long as they can show they’ve taken measures to lower the risk of catching the bug.  Government scientists also said … Read more

Greene King announces ‘safe socialising’ layout for its 1,700 pubs ahead of their July 4 reopening

Greene King has announced a new ‘safe socialising’ layout to its 1,700 pubs as preparations ratchet up to serve customers from July 4. The UK pub giant said it has invested £15million into pub safety, including protective measures for staff and customers such as Perspex screens and visors. Tables will be spaced out in line with … Read more

MPs warn three out of four pubs, restaurants and hotels could go bust unless distancing rule is axed

Three quarters of pubs, restaurants and hotels could go bust unless the Government’s two-metre rule is scrapped, MPs warned last night. In a bleak assessment, a cross-party group of MPs said the majority of businesses in the catering and tourism sector would find it ‘impossible to operate financially’ if staff and customers were required to … Read more

Anti-racism campaigners call for ‘The ‘Black Boy’ pubs across Britain to be renamed

Anti-racism campaigners are calling for pubs called ‘The Black Boy’ to be renamed amid growing protests by the Black Lives Matter movement. Critics say the name has racist connotations, especially as some of the pubs’ signs feature faces of African children. But the demands have angered others who insist there is nothing offensive about the … Read more

MARKET REPORT: Footsie falters as airlines and pubs face more pain

Optimism in global markets gave way to gloom yesterday as the painful impact of the coronavirus became clearer. As pubs in Britain were told they will not be allowed to open this month, bleak data from the eurozone and another dire warning for airlines gave traders the jitters. The turmoil sent London’s FTSE 100 index … Read more

Pubs need to know TODAY if 27,000 beer gardens can open by June 22 to give landlords enough time

Pub landlords say they need to know within the next 24 hours if they can reopen this month, in order to prepare properly.  Brewers need at least three weeks to deliver draught beer, and industry leaders say they need that long to train staff on how to maintain proper social distancing rules.   Boris Johnson is thought … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘earmarks June 22 to allow pubs and restaurants to reopen’

Boris Johnson has earmarked June 22 as the date when pubs and restaurants across the nation could be allowed to reopen, it was claimed today.  The Prime Minister is believed to be keen to accelerate the easing of lockdown after he was warned prolonging the shutdown of the hospitality sector could cost more than three … Read more