Cambridge students demand ‘transphobic’ Labour politician loses his college porter job

Cambridge students are calling for a ‘transphobic’ Labour politician to be suspended from his job as a porter at Clare College after he resigned from the council in protest over a motion in support of transgender rights. Kevin Price, who represented King’s Hedges for more than 10 years, refused to support the Lib Dem motion … Read more

SIMON WALTERS asks when WILL the BBC make a drama about a venal, lying Labour politician? 

The following Tory politician may well sound familiar. He is a shameless adulterer, has at least one illegitimate daughter, fell out with another, boasts he is a ‘character’, loves posing for ‘selfies’ with the public, says it is time to put Brexit ‘in the past’, and wants to depose a female Tory Prime Minister who … Read more

Belgium’s new transgender deputy PM is attacked online by controversial far-right politician

The first transgender politician to reach high office in Belgium has been attacked online by a far-right politician just days after she was appointed. Vice Premier Petra De Sutter, 57, of the Green Party was sworn in as part of a new government on Saturday, posting on social media that she was ‘proud that in … Read more

Indian politician who claimed bathing in mud prevented Covid tests positive

An Indian politician who filmed himself sitting in  mud puddle and blowing a conch, claiming that it prevented coronavirus, has tested positive for the disease.  Sukhbir Singh Jaunapuria, an MP from the northern state of Rajasthan, was among 24 MPs who tested positive for the virus on September 14, local media reported.  A month before … Read more

Belarus opposition politician snatched by masked men as Lukashenko’s ruthless crackdown continues

Belarus opposition leader Maria Kolesnikova, who was snatched by masked men on Monday and nearly deported, is being held in Mink prison. She was driven to the border in the dead of night but she tore up her passport to foil authorities trying to deport her to Ukraine.  Her fellow opposition members have now claimed Kolesnikova … Read more

Beirut explosion: Politician blames Hezbollah and government

Lebanese security forces faced off with dozens of anti-government demonstrators last night, angered by the devastating explosion widely seen as the most shocking expression yet of the government’s incompetence. Tear gas was fired to disperse scuffles that broke out in ravaged streets in central Beirut leading to parliament, the wreckage from Tuesday’s explosion still littering the entire … Read more

Beirust explosion: Politician blames Hezbollah and government

A leading Lebanese opposition figure has blamed Hezbollah, along with the country’s ‘corrupt’ government, for the devastating explosion in Beirut which capsized a cruise ship and has so far claimed 137 lives. Bahaa Hariri, whose father, Prime Minister Rafiq, was assassinated in 2005, said last night everyone in the city knew Hezbollah controlled Beirut’s port … Read more

‘I fired the shot’: German neo-Nazi on trial over politician murder admits to killing 

‘I fired the shot’: German neo-Nazi on trial over politician murder admits to killing Stephan Ernst, 46, admitted during the trial at court in Frankfurt earlier today Pro-refugee politician Walter Luebcke was shot in the head on June 1, 2019 His death highlighted the growing threat of right-wing extremism in the country By Raven Saunt … Read more

Statue to 19th century politician Lord Holland targeted by vandals and left covered in red paint

The statue of a 19th century politician has been targeted by vandals and left covered in red paint over his links to the slave trade. A monument to Lord Holland, which sits in a park of the same name, in west London, has been splattered with red paint, and a cardboard sign in perched on … Read more

Ryan Murphy teases that season three of The Politician won’t happen for ‘a couple of years’

Ryan Murphy is arguably the king of streaming television, and he can afford to be creative with his strategy of when to release new content. And now that the second season of his Netflix show The Politician has dropped, the writer-producer-director, 54, is coy about when exactly a third go-round for Payton Hobart and company might … Read more