People share how they turned from ‘ugly ducklings to swans’ in amazing transformation pictures 

Now that’s a glow up! Self-confessed ‘ugly ducklings reveal their transformations into ‘swans’ in amazing before-and-after pictures People from all over world poked fun at awkward younger selves after glow-up Some people lost weight while others said they simply went through puberty  One man who used to be gaunt but his girlfriend said his body ‘filled … Read more

Older white people say ‘coloured’ in the mistaken belief they are being polite, tribunal judge rules

Ryan Justin was outraged by a note by Markham Pell (pictured) saying ‘coloured guys’ at Pure Gym’s fitness centre in Derby Older white people sometimes use the word ‘coloured’ to describe black people in the mistaken belief they are being polite, a tribunal has found. Those of a ‘certain age’ who have not had ‘multi-cultural … Read more

People are more likely to donate to charity if they benefit in some way, study shows

No selfless act! People are more likely to donate money to charity if they think they’re benefitting THEMSELVES, study finds Researchers implemented a ‘statewide natural field experiment’ in Alaska, US They worded postcard adverts for charitable donations in two different ways  The one that emphasised selfish benefits was best at getting people to donate   By Jonathan Chadwick For … Read more

BAFTA 2021 Film Awards: Youn Yuh-jung calls British people ‘snobbish’

SUPPORTING ACTRESS  NIAMH ALGAR Calm With Horses KOSAR ALI Rocks MARIA BAKALOVA Borat Subsequent Moviefilm DOMINIQUE FISHBACK Judas and the Black Messiah ASHLEY MADEKWE County Lines YUH-JUNG YOUN Minari – WINNER SUPPORTING ACTOR  DANIEL KALUUYA Judas and the Black Messiah – WINNER BARRY KEOGHAN Calm With Horses ALAN KIM Minari LESLIE ODOM JR. One Night … Read more

Pandemic drinking puts more than 100 people in hospital

Pandemic drinking puts more than 100 people in hospital with worst affected patients in their early 60s or early 70s NHS had 750,000 alcohol-related admissions between last April and December Figures show there were almost 20,000 admissions among those aged 90-plus  Drinkers in their 20s and 30s accounted for a relatively small number of cases  By … Read more

How pubs and restaurants will welcome 4m people from Monday

For drinkers and diners alike, it’s the day they have long been waiting for. With pubs and restaurants reopening for outdoor service tomorrow, the long months of biding their time come to an end – at least for those lucky enough to have a booking. Figures compiled by hospitality industry website show that four … Read more

How 12 times more people are dying from cancer than Covid

How 12 times more people are dying from cancer than Covid – as experts warn treatment backlog will become ‘collateral damage’ of the pandemic Figures show 36 people on average died each day from covid in the last week  By comparison, cancer is claiming 450 live every day or about 166,000 annually  Experts say NHS … Read more

Hilarious gallery reveals the MOST random text messages people have received

LOL! People share their VERY funny text exchanges – including a woman who pranked a man hoping for nudes Ruin My Week rounded up texts from around the world that have gone viral  One image shows someone losing a friend because of the way they eat Another snap features a woman fooling a man into … Read more

Food: People expect chocolate to taste more BITTER if it is in black packaging, study finds

Black chocolate wrappers make consumers think that confectionary will taste more bitter, while yellow and pink create expectations of sweetness, a study found. Researchers from Brazil asked 420 individuals to predict the taste qualities of slabs of milk and dark chocolate that came presented in different coloured packaging. They also found that black wrapping made people expect … Read more

10-day mandatory Covid quarantine could be slashed in half if people are tested daily, SAGE says

Close contacts of Covid cases could be released from self-isolation five days early, under a scheme being drawn up by Government scientists.   Papers submitted to SAGE on March 3 suggest the 10-day mandatory quarantine period could be cut in half if people are tested daily with lateral flow kits. They would need to get a … Read more