Nancy Pelosi does NOT rule out using impeachment as a way to tie up the Senate floor 

Nancy Pelosi refuses to rule out impeaching Trump to stall a Supreme Court nomination as she accuses him of using SCOTUS vacancy to try to ‘crush the affordable care act’ ‘We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now’ If the House passes an impeachment resolution it would be privileged … Read more

Nancy Pelosi warns of ‘no chance’ of a trade deal with Britain if Boris Johnson overrides EU deal

The US House of Representatives Speaker is threatening that there will be ‘absolutely no chance’ of a trade deal with Britain if Boris Johnson overrides the Brexit deal with Brussels. Nancy Pelosi, a prominent Democrat, said that the American Congress would never pass an economic agreement that it felt could ‘imperil’ the Northern Ireland peace … Read more

Nancy Pelosi says salon owes her an apology for ‘set up’

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she fell for a ‘set up’  by the salon where she was caught on camera having her hair done without wearing a face mask and added the salon owes her an apology. Pelosi held a press conference in San Francisco to address her controversial visit after a report from Fox News … Read more

Nancy Pelosi gets a blowout at closed San Francisco hair salon and is filmed without a mask

Nancy Pelosi got a blowout at a San Francisco salon closed under COVID rules since March and was filmed inside the store without a mask, footage released Tuesday shows.  In the clip taken at eSalon in the city Monday afternoon and obtained by Fox News the Democrat is seen with wet hair and her mask around … Read more

Donald Trump CONGRATULATES QAnon follower who won Republican primary and called Pelosi a ‘b***h’

Donald Trump congratulated QAnon believer Marjorie Taylor Greene on Wednesday morning for winning her Republican primary runoff race in Georgia’s 14th congressional district. ‘Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big Congressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent,’ Trump tweeted. ‘Marjorie is strong on everything and never … Read more

Nancy Pelosi brands COVID-19 the ‘Trump Virus’ and says the president’s inaction has made it worse 

Nancy Pelosi brands COVID-19 the ‘Trump Virus’ and says the president’s inaction in promoting masks and denial of second wave have made it worse Nancy Pelosi appeared on CNN on Tuesday evening to discuss the pandemic Donald Trump had held a press conference on COVID-19 several hours before Pelosi said that the virus should be known … Read more

Nancy Pelosi says Trump will be ‘FUMIGATED’ out of the White House if he refuses to accept defeat

Nancy Pelosi says Donald Trump will be ‘FUMIGATED’ out of the White House if he refuses to accept defeat saying: ‘He will be leaving!’ Pelosi said Trump ‘will be leaving’ whether he ‘knows it or not’  She said there is a ‘process’ that has ‘nothing to do with the certain occupant of the White House’  … Read more

Nancy Pelosi says it is ‘the perfect time’ to rid the Capitol of Confederate statues

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday it was ‘the perfect time’ for the 11 remaining Confederate statues on display on Capitol Hill to be sent packing.   ‘Public sentiment is everything,’ Pelosi said at her weekly press conference. ‘This is the perfect time for us to move those statues because other times people may think, “Oh, … Read more

Pelosi demands Republicans agree to remove 11 Confederate statues from Capitol Hill

Hours after President Trump said he woudn’t be renaming military bases named for Confederate leaders, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flaunted her opposition by highlighting her work to get Confederate statues in the U.S. Capitol removed.  Pelosi sent out a copy of a letter she had addressed to the chairs of the Joint Committee on the Library, … Read more

Nancy Pelosi calls Trump a ‘kid with doggy do on his shoes’

Speaker Nancy Pelosi doubled down on her insults to President Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying she was giving him a ‘dose of his own medicine’ and comparing him to a little kid who comes in with doggy do on his shoes.  The speaker defended calling the president ‘morbidly obese’ earlier this week, saying she was … Read more