Margaret Thatcher’s old Oxford college makes all students take an ‘unconscious bias’ test

Every student at Margaret Thatcher’s old Oxford college was ordered to take a course in ‘unconscious bias’ to expose innate ‘racism, homophobia, transphobia and disability discrimination’. Baroness Royall of Blaisdon, principal of Somerville College, instructed students to complete the online class by this Friday, and told them they must ‘achieve a mark of 100 per … Read more

Clergyman at church near Oxford is put on furlough for three months

Clergyman at church near Oxford is put on furlough for three months after Church of England warned it may have to cut staff as it faces cash crisis amid fears a FIFTH of worshippers may never return after pandemic Hugh Barne cannot continue ministry at St Mary’s Church until after April 30 Mr Barne will … Read more

Hero doctor rescues Oxford vaccine doses from burning building after health centre burst into flames

Hero doctor rescues Oxford jab doses from burning vaccination centre after it burst into flames as people queued for Covid injections Doctor was seen pulling refrigerated container of vaccines from health centre  Patients were evacuated from Emberbrook Community Centre on Saturday Volunteers praise doctor’s heroic effort, saying: ‘It was his priority to get it out’ … Read more

Rishi Sunak says his daughters’ role model is Oxford vaccine scientist Sarah Gilbert.

As Margaret Thatcher famously said: ‘If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.’ Away from the politics, the infighting and the competitive glory, women have been the quietly effective heroines of the pandemic. Prime among them is Dr Sarah Gilbert, who first cracked the Oxford vaccine. Typically, … Read more

European snub Oxford vaccine after EU campaign cast doubts

Now French and Italian doctors shun Oxford vaccine after EU and Macron ‘managed demand’ by casting doubts on its efficacy – despite backing for jab from WHO and multiple studies In France, 149 cases of symptoms were reported by staff with average age of 34 French authorities have not offered jab at all to those … Read more

French and Italian doctors shun Oxford vaccine after suffering ‘high-intensity flu symptoms’

Now French and Italian doctors shun Oxford vaccine after EU cast doubts on its efficacy and Macron ‘managed demand’ by claiming it is less effective in over-60s In France, 149 cases of symptoms were reported by staff with average age of 34 French authorities have not offered jab at all to those over 65 due … Read more

Oxford Covid vaccine will be tested on children as young as six in world-first trial 

Oxford Covid vaccine will be tested on children as young as six in world-first trial Scientists want to see if jab will produce a strong immune response in children The first vaccinations under the clinical trial will take place later this month Up to 240 will receive the vaccine with others receiving a control meningitis … Read more

Oxford college master apologises to Jewish students after inviting filmmaker Ken Loach to talk

Oxford college master apologises to Jewish students after inviting filmmaker Ken Loach to give talk despite anti-Semitism row Judith Buchanan, the head of St Peter’s College, said she was ‘truly sorry’ Mr Loach, an alumni of the college, spoke at a virtual event on Monday Filmmaker denied the accusation of anti-Semitism, branding them ‘recycled’  By … Read more

WHO recommends Oxford AstraZeneca Covid vaccine for over-65s

The World Health Organization has officially recommended the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine for people over the age of 65 and said it should be used ‘without an upper age limit’.  WHO experts have reviewed all the evidence from studies of the jab and said there is ‘no reason’ it shouldn’t be used against the South African variant … Read more

Coroner says Oxford University must overhaul drugs policy after student, 23, died of overdose

A coroner has called for Oxford University to overhaul its drugs policy after a gifted physics student died from an overdose.  Daniel Mervis, 23, from Finchley in north London, died in October 2019, after a ‘battle with drug misuse that began whilst studying at Oxford’s St John’s College’. An inquest was told that the college … Read more