Breaking…a sweat! Moment fitness instructor’s online class is interrupted by three police officers

Breaking…a sweat! Moment fitness instructor’s online class is interrupted by three police officers who were wrongly tipped off she was breaching Covid rules at gym Louise Lewis had disco lights and music on at her exercise studio in north Wales Ms Lewis, 40, heard banging on the door and went to check who was there  … Read more

Teachers and police officers ‘should be next in line for Covid vaccines’

Teachers and police should be considered for vaccinations after the most vulnerable have been immunised, NHS England’s chief executive said today.  Sir Simon Stevens said there should be a ‘legitimate discussion’ about vaccinating public-facing workers such as teachers after those most at risk have received their jabs.   He also suggested those with learning disabilities should be considered … Read more

Police officers fined £200 for getting haircuts by barber at station 

A group of 31 police officers have each been slapped with £200 fines after they hired a professional barber to cut their hair at a police station, it emerged today.  They hired a professional barber to come in and cut their hair at Bethnal Green police station in East London on Sunday, January 17 – … Read more

Police fine revellers at illegal rave in London – while officers in Birmingham issue £16k in fines

More than £15,000 in fines has been handed out after police shut down an illegal rave attended by more than 300 people in east London. Officers from the Metropolitan Police attended a venue under a railway arch on Nursery Road in Hackney in the early hours of Sunday morning. Loud music was heard coming from … Read more

Nine Met Police officers are hit with £200 Covid fines

Nine Met Police officers are hit with £200 Covid fines after being spotted tucking into breakfast INSIDE London café during lockdown… while force was cracking down harder on public Scotland Yard fines and slams officers for failing to lead by example in lockdown  A passer-by caught squad cars outside Chef House Kitchen in south east … Read more

Half a million police officers and teachers could jump the queue for Covid-19 vaccine

Half a million police officers and teachers could jump the queue for Covid-19 vaccine if they are given priority in phase two of inoculation rollout, says Nadhim Zahawi Police and teachers could be given priority in phase two of the vaccine rollout  Shop workers are also being considered for priority says vaccine minister   If the … Read more

RAF officer’s widow wins payout after he fell to his death from hotel window

A widow suing for £400,000 after her RAF officer husband fell 20ft to his death from a hotel window at a friend’s wedding has today won her fight for a payout from the hotel’s owners. Sergeant Christopher James suffered fatal head injuries when he hit the pavement after slipping from the ‘very low’ window sill … Read more

Two police officers test positive for coronavirus after being SPAT on in ‘disgusting’ attacks

Two police officers test positive for coronavirus after being SPAT on in ‘disgusting’ attacks by people ‘using Covid as a weapon’ Dorset Police said an officer was spat at by a man being arrested on January 6 Another cop in Cambridgeshire tested positive after separate incident in Soham The suspect allegedly spat at the officer … Read more

Police officers pay the least on their car insurance premiums

Members of the police force pay the least on their car insurance premiums for their personal vehicles, new research has revealed. Their annual car insurance costs come in at an average of £489, according to data from Quotezone, a price comparison site. The next lowest premiums, by profession, are for ministers of religion who pay … Read more

Dutch police officers laugh at British truck driver as they confiscate his ham sandwiches

A Dutch police officer has been filmed laughing at a British truck driver as the officials confiscated the man’s ham sandwiches due to new post-Brexit import rules. ‘Welcome to the Brexit, sir,’ one of the officers is heard saying in the video of the incident, as the driver asks: ‘Can you take the meat and … Read more