What aircraft gunner Paul Newman said after nuclear attacks on Japan ended the war 75 years ago

The most terrible conflict in human history ended 75 years ago today with the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945. In a radio address to his nation, Emperor Hirohito announced his decision to accept the Potsdam Declaration bringing World War II to a close — at an estimated cost of up to 60 million … Read more

Bomb disposal team are called to Sellafield nuclear site after explosive chemical discovered

A nuclear power plant has been evacuated after a dangerous chemical was discovered. Bomb disposal experts cleared part of the Sellafield site in Cumbria after organic peroxide was found during a routine inspection yesterday. The sprawling station has been shut down until the chemical can be safely removed from the Magnox Reprocessing Plant. Bosses said … Read more

Over 50s could face stay at home order in ‘nuclear plans’ drawn up by Boris Johnson

A large number of overs 50s could be given orders to stay at home as part of Boris Johnson’s ‘nuclear plans’ to avoid another national lockdown. In a more ‘segmented approach’ to dealing with future lockdowns, people aged between 50 and 70 would be given personalised risk ratings – taking into accounts factors like their … Read more

Could Chernobyl be key to conquering Mars? Fungus found in Ukrainian nuclear plant can EAT radiation

Humans could live on the planet Mars if a fungi which spawned inside the Chernobyl nuclear reactor is used to protect against radiation, scientists say. A layer of the fungus around 21 centimetres thick could ‘largely negate the annual dose-equivalent of the radiation environment on the surface of Mars’, researchers found. ‘What makes the fungus … Read more

‘Now I Am Become Death’ 75th Anniversary of ‘Trinity,’ the world’s first nuclear bomb explosion

Seventy-five years ago today, a group of physicists, engineers and Army personnel assembled in New Mexico’s forsaken desert in the pre-dawn hours of July 16, 1945 for a top secret operation, code name: Trinity. Their goal was to detonate the world’s first nuclear bomb. J. Robert Oppenheimer is best known for his role as the scientific … Read more

Tory rebels turn their sights on plan for Chinese-designed nuclear power station 

Tory rebels who forced Government U-turn on Huawei deal turn their sights on plan for Chinese-designed nuclear power station Nuclear power plant in Bradwell, Essex to become new China debate flashpoint  Critics are concerned as plant has different design to Hinkley Point in Somerset Bradwell plant is to be designed by a company linked to … Read more

Royal Navy nuclear submarine had near-miss with car ferry packed full of passengers 

Royal Navy nuclear submarine had near-miss with car ferry packed full of passengers A lookout on the Stena Superfast VII spotted the submarine’s periscope ahead The captain of the ferry ordered a turn to point and narrowly avoid a collision  A report found passengers and crew of both vessels were in ‘immediate danger’ By Tom … Read more

Massive blaze rips through Iranian port near nuclear power station as seven ships burn

A massive blaze has broken out at an Iranian port, ripping through at least seven ships – the latest in a string of mysterious fires and explosions to hit the country.   Dramatic video purporting to show the blaze shows thick black smoke billowing from the scene at the port of Bushehr – as men desperately … Read more

Iran nuclear site suffered ‘significant’ damage in accident

Iran says its nuclear site suffered ‘significant’ damage in mysterious accident that will slow the production of enriched uranium One of Iran’s main uranium enrichment plants was damaged on Thursday The Natanz nuclear facility suffered damage to its roof, walls and doors Isreal has been accused of masterminding the damage through a cyber-attack The attack could … Read more

MARK ALMOND: How a fist fight in the Himalayas could spark a nuclear war that engulfs the world 

The crystal blue waters of Pangong, the world’s highest saltwater lake, rest like a jewel in the glacial landscape of Ladakh in the Himalayas. Each year, thousands of people flock here to savour its pristine beauty, most of them blithely unaware, as they pose for selfies, that they stand in one of the most dangerous … Read more