Backing for Scottish independence surges to 53%

Backing for Scottish independence surges to 53% as Nicola Sturgeon heads for huge majority at Holyrood YouGov survey finds that support for Scottish independence has hit 53 per cent  It is the highest figure recorded by the polling firm for breaking up the union Nicola Sturgeon also on track for huge majority at Holyrood according … Read more

Scottish exams scandal: Students WILL get predicted grades

Tens of thousands of Scottish pupils will get exam results based on their predicted grades after Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish government completed an embarrassing U-turn this afternoon. Her SNP administration bowed to political pressure to alter course over a ‘standardisation’ system designed to tackle the fact that no exams have been sat due to coronavirus. The … Read more

England braced for A-level ‘shambles’: Boris Johnson is urged to overhaul ‘unfair’ grading process

Boris Johnson came under increasing pressure to overhaul England’s A-Level marking system today after Nicola Sturgeon bowed to pressure to U-turn over a system branded ‘unfair’ by parents and teachers. Thousands of English 18-year-olds are due to get their results on Thursday despite not sitting exams due to coronavirus, using a ‘standardisation’ system. But Ms … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon hails return of schools in Scotland from TOMORROW

No10 today insisted student grades in England will still be standardised, despite Nicola Sturgeon apologising for blunders that saw 125,000 Scottish pupils marked down.  Boris Johnson said he understood the ‘anxiety’ caused by replacing exams with assessments, after they were effectively wiped out by coronavirus. But the PM’s official spokesman said they believed the arrangements would be … Read more

Rishi Sunak goes into battle for the union as he plays up UK government Covid support for Scotland

Rishi Sunak was sent in to battle for the union today as he made his first visit to Scotland as Chancellor.  He was the latest minister to head north of the border in recent weeks as Boris Johnson attempts to cut off support for Nicola Sturgeon and independence in the wake of Brexit and coronavirus. … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon admits Scotland’s R rate has gone UP to as high as one after Aberdeen lockdown 

Scotland’s coronavirus infection rate has risen in the wake of an outbreak in Aberdeen, Nicola Sturgeon admitted today. The First Minister said the R-rate for the county had risen to between 0.6 and one, up from between 0.6 and 0.9 and new cases have also been found in Glasgow and the Clyde. A total of … Read more

The Queen and Prince Philip could be confined to Balmoral if lockdown is imposed in Aberdeenshire

A royal lockdown? The Queen and Prince Philip could be confined to Balmoral if Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon extends restrictions to all of Aberdeenshire Nicola Sturgeon warned coronavirus spread after pubs opened in Scotland She locked down the city of Aberdeen yesterday after cases dramatically rose The Queen and Prince Philip could face lockdown … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon could ban PUB CRAWLS in Scotland after Aberdeen coronavirus outbreak

Nicola Sturgeon could ban PUB CRAWLS in Scotland after Aberdeen coronavirus outbreak linked to bars in the Granite City First Minister said government looking at tightening rules after Aberdeen surge Pubs, cafes and restaurants have been ordered to shut by 5pm  Surgeon: ‘Pattern’ of ‘people going from one pub to another in the same night’ … Read more

Aberdeen is put into lockdown: Nicola Sturgeon orders all pubs in the city to close

Aberdeen has been put back into lockdown as pubs were shut and people were banned from travelling in and out. Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the restrictions were brought in after 54 new coronavirus cases emerged from packed bars over the weekend. She said 191 contacts have been traced in relation to the cluster, … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon says she ‘wanted to cry’ over pictures of pubgoers with no social distancing

Nicola Sturgeon said she ‘wanted to cry’ over pictures of pubgoers gathering with no social distancing at the weekend as 27 cases of coronavirus are linked to one bar in Aberdeen.  SNP MP Stephen Flynn today tweeted two photos he had spotted online of the city centre, where an outbreak took place in The Hawthorn Bar. … Read more