Coronavirus vaccinations could be under way for ALL adults by the end of January

Coronavirus vaccinations could be offered to all adults as soon as January 31 after healthcare workers and the most vulnerable start receiving the jabs early next month, according to leaked NHS reports. Providing everything goes to plan, those over 80 may be next in line to get a jab, with mid-December reportedly earmarked for starting … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Vaccinations could start in weeks, Matt Hancock says

Matt Hancock suggested today the mass roll out of a coronavirus vaccination programme could be just weeks away Vulnerable Britons could start to be vaccinated against coronavirus within weeks, Matt Hancock suggested again today.  The Health Secretary raised hopes last week when he said it could be possible to dish out Pfizer’s vaccine – which looks … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Mass vaccination centres to be set up within WEEKS

Dozens of mass coronavirus vaccination sites will be set up across the country within weeks, while firefighters will be trained up to help deliver the inoculations, as part of plans by ministers to deliver millions of jabs in record time. GP surgeries have been told to organise the initial wave, which will involve using community … Read more

Nightingale hospitals treating fewer than 30 patients – despite recent rise in hospital admissions

Nightingale hospitals are treating fewer than 30 patients and only one of the seven facilities across England is open – despite the recent rise in Covid hospital admissions Nightingale in Manchester caring for few dozen patients who now test negative Nightingales in Sunderland and Harrogate were asked to be ready for patients On Friday there … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Most Nightingale hospitals may never fully open due to a shortage of NHS staff

Most of Matt Hancock’s Nightingale hospitals may never fully open because there are not enough NHS workers to staff them, it has been claimed. An analysis by the Sunday Times also shows that each patient admitted to the massive hospitals has so far cost £1million to treat. Seven venues including London’s Excel Centre were converted into … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Professor Jonathan Van-Tam’s numbers behind Boris Johnson’s ‘traffic light’ lockdown

England’s second wave of coronavirus is extending south of the worst-affected areas in the North of the country and infections are spreading out of young age groups to the at-risk older generations, official data shows. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England’s deputy chief medical officer, today hosted a television briefing laying bare the data that Prime Minister … Read more

Are corona passports really the magic bullet Ministers hope they’ll be?

Normality was – frustratingly – within reach.  For months, infection rates fell and the pandemic seemed to be behind us.  But just weeks after millions of children returned to classrooms, and offices around the country began to fill up again, we’re now slipping backwards. Corona cases are said to be doubling every week, hospital admissions … Read more

Britain will go back into Covid lockdown if people do not obey rule of six says Government advisor

The UK needs to act fast to stop coronavirus cases growing out of control as a ‘trickle’ of cases can turn into a ‘cascade’, warns an academic who advises the Government.   Peter Openshaw, professor of experimental medicine at Imperial College London, said that if people do not abide by the Government’s ‘rule of six’ then … Read more

Coronavirus Nightingale hospital wards ‘to reopen within weeks’ as infection rate rises in Britain

The NHS Nightingale Hospitals’s coronavirus wards are set to reopen ‘within weeks’ as the infection rate rises across Britain. Doctors have reportedly been told unofficially that emergency measures will be needed from October 2. Nightingale Hospitals are being readied for a second wave as Covid cases continue to rise across the UK, the Mirror reported.  The … Read more

British Army could be drafted in to deliver ‘moonshot’ vaccination drive at empty NHS Nightingales

The Army could be drafted in to deliver a ‘moonshot’ vaccination drive at empty NHS Nightingale hospital sites, it has emerged. Officials believe soldiers are needed to dish out the tens of millions of jabs to the public when a vaccine is ready. Troops could be deployed to the makeshift hospitals – which have been empty … Read more