Scientists can tweak Covid vaccines to target new mutant strains in DAYS, experts claim

Current Covid vaccines could be reprogrammed to target new strains in just ‘a few days’, experts said today in a bid to calm fears about the South African variant.   Top Government scientists have warned changes to the virus may mean the current wave of vaccines are less effective against it or don’t work at all. … Read more

New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly 50%  

The new mutant variant of ‘super’ coronavirus is indeed more infectious than previous variants, just as scientists feared, a new study finds.  Imperial College London researchers found that the new variant that’s been wreaking havoc in the UK and arrived in the UK may be nearly 50 percent more transmissible, based on samples taken from … Read more

Colorado confirms it has detected first cases of ‘mutant COVID’ strain  

Super-COVID IS in the US: Colorado man in his 20s with NO travel history becomes first American to test positive for the mutant strain first detected in the UK By Jenny Stanton For Published: 21:35 GMT, 29 December 2020 | Updated: 21:48 GMT, 29 December 2020 Colorado has announced it has detected the first … Read more

South Korean records its first cases of new super-infectious mutant coronavirus strain

South Korea is the latest country to record its first cases of the new highly-infections UK variant of coronavirus brought in by three travellers from London. Officials have vowed to speed up the roll-out of a nation-wide coronavirus vaccination programme after detecting the new strain. The variant – thought to be more transmissible than others currently circulating – … Read more

Now Sweden records its first case of new super-infections mutant coronavirus strain

Sweden and Spain have recorded their first cases of the new highly-infections UK variant of coronavirus despite a travel ban amid fears the countries’ case and death counts could soar.   Madrid’s regional government announced today that four cases had been detected involving people who had recently arrived from the UK or had close contact with someone who … Read more

Super-infectious mutant strain of coronavirus ‘more likely to affect children’, claims study

The highly infectious mutant strain of coronavirus found in Kent could be more likely to affect children, scientists have warned. Modellers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found the new virus strain is 56 per cent per cent more infectious.  Even if another national lockdown was implemented, it would be ‘unlikely’ to … Read more

Millions move into Tier 4 to combat mutant Covid strain

Millions of people will move into Tier 4 today after those already under the tightest coronavirus restrictions celebrated a Covid Christmas any way they could.  Sussex, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire will move into Tier 4, created in response to a variant of Covid-19 discovered in the UK, from Saturday. The parts of Essex still … Read more

Ireland confirms mutant UK coronavirus strain has arrived on its shores

Ireland has confirmed that the highly infectious new UK variant of coronavirus has landed on its shores despite a travel ban – amid fears the country’s case and death counts could soar.  The National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) today confirmed that the strain had been identified as they announced 1,025 new cases and two further … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Tier 4, 2021, mutant strains – bring them all on

Is this the worst Christmas ever? As most of the country enters Tier 4 from Boxing Day, l’m trying to look on the bright side, find light in the gloom, things to be cheerful about. After all, I’m not spending the next two days holed up in a smelly lorry cab parked on a disused … Read more

ANOTHER mutant form of coronavirus is discovered in Nigeria

ANOTHER mutant form of coronavirus is discovered in Nigeria after new strains were found in South Africa and Britain A third new variant of coronavirus has been discovered in Nigeria, medics say  The mutant strain is different to those uncovered in the UK and South Africa  But medics are not sure what effect the strain … Read more