Motorists say they’re struggling to get to grips with driving after lockdown

Are we set for a spike in car insurance claims? A fifth of motorists say they’ve struggled to get to grips with driving after weeks in lockdown… Motorists said they’ve been making more mistakes since returning to the road Since driving restrictions were eased in England on 10 May, 28% had stalled cars Some 21% … Read more

Costa chaos as motorists queue for HOURS at drive-throughs

Motorists queued for hours to get a drink at Costa drive-throughs this morning, sparking fears people are ignoring lockdown measures as more high street chains reopen.  Tailbacks stretched around the block at takeaway chains in Edinburgh, Wakefield and Glasgow today as drivers waited to get their coffee fix.  At the weekend, eager customers queued for … Read more

A fifth of motorists claim they’ll drive LESS after lockdown

Despite reports of an increased number of vehicles on the road at the beginning of the sixth week of lockdown, a fifth of motorists said they’ll be using their cars less once the coronavirus pandemic eases. Some 22 per cent of drivers said they will spend less their in their motors when the lockdown is … Read more

Motorists can get a coronavirus car finance payment freeze

Anyone who has a finance arrangement in place on a car can now access a three-month payment freeze under temporary measures introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority. Borrowers with Personal Contract Purchase or Personal Contract Hire car finance plans can request the payment freeze ‘at any point’ the city regulator states. Finance companies should not … Read more

Met Police to crackdown on motorists abusing London’s clearer roads by speeding

Lockdown speeders who abuse clear roads are targeted by police after one driver was caught at 151mph on the M1 Metropolitan Police launch new unit to crackdown on speeders during lockdown Road safety chiefs say average speeds on some roads have gone up 50 per cent Figures show one driver caught speed speeding at 73mph … Read more

Motorists over 50 accuse car makers of ignoring their needs

Car manufacturers have been accused of being ‘out of touch’ with older audiences following a poll of ageing drivers. Just one per cent stated that they believed the latest cars were designed with their needs in mind, a survey of 6,500 motorists over 50 show.  The failure to tailor vehicles to the needs of older … Read more

Speeding motorists taking advantage of deserted roads since the lockdown

The Covid-19 lockdown has reduced traffic on the roads by almost two thirds, cutting the number of daily accidents significantly.  However, it has also brought an increase in speeding and erratic behaviour behind the wheel, according to data from telematics providers. Police forces are turning to Twitter to shame motorists caught flouting the laws, with … Read more

Ride-hailing apps lead to more crashes involving motorists and pedestrians

Ride-hailing apps like Uber and Lyft cause a spike in the number of crashes between cars and pedestrians at over-crowded pick-up locations Cities with ride-hailing apps see a decline in number of alcohol-related cases  But overall number of collisions has remained roughly the same, scientists say  Study revealed a spike in motorist-pedestrian collisions at pick-up locations   By … Read more