Omarosa claims she has secret tapes of Lara Trump ‘badmouthing Donald, Melania and Ivanka’

Omarosa Manigault Newman, the former reality TV star who became a top White House aide to President Donald Trump, has revealed she has multiple secret ‘tapes’ of Lara Trump ‘bad mouthing’ the first family. Omarosa, speaking to Michael Cohen on his podcast Mea Culpa, was asked about the secret recordings she made of the president’s daughter-in-law … Read more

Crowds boo Donald and Melania Trump as the first couple pay their respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Donald and Melania Trump were booed by crowds at the Supreme Court on Thursday when they paid their respects to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. ‘Honor her wish,’ the crowd yelled as the first couple stood at the top of the steps at Ginsburg’s flag-draped coffin, their heads bowed and faces covered by masks. ‘Vote … Read more

Melania and Donald Trump’s marriage is a transactional deal, first lady’s former best friend claims

Melania Trump’s former best friend has claimed that the first lady’s marriage to President Donald Trump is a ‘transactional’ trade in which he gets ‘arm candy’ and she gets security.  ‘I do believe it’s a transactional marriage. Donald got arm candy,’ said Stephanie Winston Wolkoff in an interview with the BBC on Friday. ‘Melania got two … Read more

President Trump and Melania board Air Force One to travel to Shanksville for 9/11

President Donald Trump has paid tribute to those who died on September 11th and members of the military who lost their lives in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks while speaking at a memorial service in Shanksville on Friday. ‘More than 7,000 Military Heroes have laid down their lives since 9/11 to preserve our freedom,’ … Read more

Trump tells huge Michigan crowd that Melania thought Biden looked ‘sad’ when she watched him on TV

President Donald Trump told a large Michigan crowd Thursday night that First Lady Melania Trump thought Joe Biden looked ‘sad’ when she watched him during a Democratic debate before claiming that ‘far-left lunatics’ will run the government if the former vice president wins the November election and that the murder rate in Chicago and Baltimore … Read more

Melania Trump joins fights back against claims Donald Trump called WWI Marine heroes ‘losers’

The White House is furiously fighting back against a politically explosive report that the president called U.S. military heroes killed in battle ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ – and turned down a trip to visit U.S. war dead in France due to the rain. Fox News, the Washington Post and Associated Press were among the news outlets … Read more

Melania Trump lashes out at ‘delusional & malicious gossip’ after her former friend’s book published

Melania Trump lashed out at ‘delusional & malicious gossip’ on Thursday after her former best friend revealed the first lady’s bitter rivalry with Ivanka Trump and a secret email account. Trump’s criticism of the stories surrounding her tenure in the White House comes as she prepares to host an event at the White House on drug … Read more

Melania Trump ‘rolled eyes’ when Donald talked of Presidency

Melania Trump would roll her eyes whenever Ivanka opined about being America’s first female president, mumbling under her breath ‘no thank you’, a source connected to the bombshell book about the first lady exclusively told  Melania’s former friend and staffer Stephanie Winston Wolkoff is set to release her explosive book – Melania and Me: The Rise … Read more

Melania Trump’s ‘laughed about ‘grab em by the p***y’ tape’

Melania Trump’s former friend said she and the first lady laughed during the 2016 campaign after the infamous ‘Access Hollywood’ tape came out and revealed Donald Trump saying he liked to grab women ‘by the p****.’   ‘The day that the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape came out she reached out to have lunch. Now, if any other … Read more

Melania Trump called Ivanka a ‘snake’ and slammed Michelle Obama, according to new book

Melania Trump once boasted that she was ‘driving liberals crazy’ with her infamous ‘I really don’t care, do u?’ jacket, and called Ivanka and her family ‘snakes’, a new bombshell book has claimed. Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady, written by her former best friend Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, … Read more