People with high blood sugar levels are more than TWICE as likely to die from Covid-19

Patients with Covid-19 and high blood sugar levels are twice as likely to die from the coronavirus than those with lower levels – even without a diabetes diagnosis, a study shows. Researchers working in China looked back at patients admitted to different hospitals in Wuhan with high blood sugar levels who later died of the Covid-19.  … Read more

Coronavirus vaccine triggered antibody levels up to 3 times greater than those in recovered patients

Experimental coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer triggered levels of antibodies up to THREE TIMES greater than those seen in recovered patients, early data shows Researchers randomly gave 45 healthy volunteers either a low dose, a medium dose or a high dose of a coronavirus vaccine, or a placebo Those who received the vaccine were given two shots, except … Read more

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8m on the dole

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8million on the dole due to the wreckage caused by the coronavirus lockdown. Labour has warned that ministers need to do more to support struggling businesses as both main parties try to come up with ways to rescue the economy.   Statistics from the House of Commons library … Read more

Sunburn warning as Britain faces its highest EVER UV levels

Britain could reach its highest levels of UV radiation due to a lack of planes, coupled with clear blue skies and sweltering temperatures – a potent combination that increases the risk of skin cancer. Ultra-violet rays, which can also cause sunburn and cataracts, are expected to reach level 9 across parts of Devon and Cornwall … Read more

Antibody levels in recovered COVID-19 patients may decline within three months

Coronavirus antibody levels may plummet within two to three MONTHS, offering only brief immunity to COVID-19, study suggests Researchers at Chongqing Medical studied 37 symptomatic coronavirus patients and 37 symptomatic patients  They found that more than 90% in both groups had sharp declines in their antibody levels within two to three months  Neutralizing antibody levels … Read more

People with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol are more likely to die from COVID-19

Coronavirus patients with higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood are more likely to die from the deadly virus, according to scientists.  A study by Imperial College London researchers revealed that patients with high levels of the hormone deteriorated more quickly and were at a greater risk of dying. Cortisol is produced … Read more

Just one hour of laying on their stomachs improves oxygen levels in coronavirus patients

Spending just one hour lying on their stomachs improves hospitalized coronavirus patients’ oxygen levels and reduces their risk of needing a ventilator to breathe Researchers looked at 25 hospitalized coronavirus patients with low oxygen levels who were flipped onto their stomachs Doctors say this makes it easier for oxygen to reach the lungs   One hour … Read more

Coronavirus patients with low levels of blood protein were more likely to need ventilation

Low counts of a blood protein may predict which coronavirus patients will need ventilators or die – and boosting the anti-inflammatory compound could be a life-saving treatment Renalase is secreted into the blood from the kidneys and plays a role in fighting inflammation and regulating blood pressure  Coronavirus patients with low levels of the protein … Read more

Carbon dioxide levels hit new record that experts say is the highest in several MILLIONS years

The world has hit a new record high for heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, despite the drop in emissions due to the coronavirus pandemic, researchers announced Thursday. Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) measured 417.1 per million over Hawaii’s Muana Loa this month, which is 2.4 parts million … Read more

Cholesterol levels in UK have dropped sharply since 1980

Britain’s cholesterol levels have nose-dived over the last 40 years thanks to a healthier diet lower in fat and the increasing use of statins, scientists have said. The UK once had the 18th highest cholesterol level in the world for both men and women, putting them at increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, but … Read more