UN warns of ‘biblical’ famines as coronavirus threatens to leave three dozen nations starving

The United Nations warned the coronavirus pandemic could trigger famine as the worldwide freeze on commerce sent shock waves through financial markets. The bleak warning came on Tuesday as deaths from the virus surpassed 174,000 worldwide, with governments anxiously trying to chart a path out of the unprecedented global health and economic emergency. One World … Read more

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leave Buckingham Palace staff ‘stunned’ over media decision

Harry and Meghan yesterday launched an unprecedented boycott of sections of the British Press in a protest over the way their lives have been covered. In a move that stunned Buckingham Palace courtiers and prompted allegations of ‘censorship’, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have decided to withdraw all forms of co-operation from many of … Read more

Pope Francis warns coronavirus recovery must not ‘leave anyone behind’

Pope Francis warns coronavirus recovery must not ‘leave anyone behind’ or world faces ‘an even worse virus of selfish indifference’ to follow Pope Francis said today that now was the time to heal injustice around the world  He spoke at the church of Santo Spirito in Sassia to mark Divine Mercy Sunday More than 23,000 people have … Read more

Samantha Armytage FINALLY returns to Sunrise after extended leave health battle

Samantha Armytage FINALLY returns to Sunrise after taking more than a month off work to fight a ‘respiratory infection’ By Joshua Fox and Demeter Stamell For Daily Mail Australia Published: 21:55 BST, 19 April 2020 | Updated: 22:19 BST, 19 April 2020 It was business as usual for Samantha Armytage on Monday morning.  The 43-year-old … Read more

Rory Cellan-Jones: Why I have decided to leave my brain to science

During my 30 years on television as a BBC reporter, I’ve handled some quite extraordinary things. But nothing quite compared to the spongy, heavy mass of a real brain. I had the privilege of standing among a sea of them two months ago during my visit to one of the UK’s few ‘brain banks’. Just 48 … Read more

All your confusing coronavirus questions answered: What to do with work and leave in quarantine?

Australians forced to self-isolate or take leave during the coronavirus period don’t necessarily have to dip into their annual leave or starve. Coronavirus restrictions can differ from state to state in Australia, leaving many people confused as to what they can and can’t do in this unique time. Unprecedented sanctions have been put on workers … Read more

Study shows that cats get separation anxiety when we leave them alone just like dogs 

Cats aren’t as indifferent to owners as they seem: Study shows they get separation anxiety when we leave them alone just like dogs  Researchers surveyed 130 cat owners from Brazil about their furry friends One in ten cats were reported to exhibit problematic behaviours when left alone These included aggressiveness, depression and inappropriate defecation Anxiety … Read more

Cancelled events leave contributors out of pocket and in the dark as they struggle to reclaim funds

The coronavirus pandemic has seen a number of major events cancelled, including the Edinburgh Fringe festival, Glastonbury music festival and the Wimbledon tennis tournament.    But a number of smaller events have also had to postpone and it leaves a number of questions marks if and how exhibitors will be refunded. For example, those who had booked … Read more

Coronavirus could leave up to 11 million more Americans uninsured

As many as 11 million Americans may lose their insurance in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, a new report estimates.  Amid the sprawling transmission of COVID-19, the economy has gone into free fall and US unemployment made a record-breaking jump of nearly 17 million in just three weeks as businesses shuttered to slow the … Read more

One in five primary school aged children are afraid to leave their homes

One in five primary school aged children are afraid to leave their homes during the coronavirus pandemic, Oxford University study reveals Researchers are assessing the impact of Covid-19 on children’s mental health  Some children said they are afraid of running out of food at their homes Others have said they are afraid of passing on … Read more