Oxford coronavirus vaccine trial only has a 50% chance of success, professor leading project warns

Developing a vaccine is a complex procedure which relies on a number of lengthy steps. But researchers racing to develop one for COVID-19 – which threatens to keep entire nations in lockdown until it can be stopped – are breaking through this stages at an unprecedented pace, scientists say. One vaccine for rotavirus, a virus … Read more

European fury at Britain’s chaotic quarantine rules with French leading outrage

European leaders have reacted with fury after Britain revealed its plans for a tough new quarantine regime requiring arrivals into the UK to self-isolate for 14 days.  Home Secretary Priti Patel has received widespread backlash both at home and abroad after unveiling the measures, which have been dubbed ‘ineffective and unenforceable’ by the travel industry. Ms … Read more

Your top coronavirus questions answered by our leading experts

Can I leave my bag on the kitchen worktop when I get home? ‘That’s not a good idea,’ says Dr Andrew Preston, a reader in microbial pathogenesis at the University of Bath. ‘It is good practice to keep food preparation surfaces as clean as possible, which means avoiding placing unnecessary objects on them, particularly those … Read more

Leading scientist blasts government coronavirus ‘secrecy’ and tells ministers to stop passing buck

Ministers should stop claiming they are ‘following the science’ and stop passing the buck in the battle against coronavirus, a leading scientist has demanded.  Sir Adrian Smith, 73, a statistician and the the incoming president of the Royal Society, said politicians are justifying their measures by saying they are following expert advice to appear decisive.  … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Leading NHS eye doctor and paramedic die

A leading eye doctor who had warned of the ‘serious’ danger posed by coronavirus is the latest frontline NHS worker to die from the killer disease. Opthalmologist Dr Paul Kabasele, 58, was also a church pastor and highlighted the severity of the pandemic to his congregation in an online video. He died at King’s College … Read more

Seven in 10 tenants opt to stay put leading to biggest drop in rents on record

Rents see biggest drop on record as seven in 10 tenants opt to renew rather than move while the coronavirus lockdown continues Rents on tenancy renewals fell by 0.5 per cent year-on-year across the country This comes as seven in 10 opt to renew their tenancies rather than move home London rents dropped the most, … Read more

Scientist leading Britain’s coronavirus vaccine urges Government to produce millions of doses

An Oxford scientists leading Britain’s coronavirus vaccine race has urged the Government to help produce millions of doses before it has proven to be effective. Professor Sarah Gilbert said her team needed help manufacturing the jabs, warning the UK did not have the facilities to do it alone.   Professor Sarah Gilbert, who is leading Britain’s … Read more

100 leading doctors call for public to wear home-made masks

More than 100 top doctors have backed calls for the public to wear homemade face masks when they leave their homes.  They signed a letter saying they were ‘increasingly alarmed at official inaction over the need for the public to wear face masks’.  Ministers could make a decision this week on whether to order the … Read more

Healthcare workers should be screened for coronavirus every week, leading expert says 

Professor Charles Swanton, who heads the Francis Crick Institute, argued healthcare workers are spreading the disease ‘right in front of our eyes’ Healthcare workers should be screened for coronavirus every week to protect patients from asymptomatic infection, a leading expert has said. Professor Charles Swanton, who heads the Francis Crick Institute, argued healthcare workers are … Read more