Boris Johnson takes ‘revolutionary’ Covid test at Leicester lab

Boris Johnson was photographed today taking a potentially ‘revolutionary’ coronavirus test that experts hope could return results in under an hour and allow for students to return home for Christmas. The Prime Minister was pictured taking the swab test at De Montfort University in Leicester, the first city to enter a regional lockdown in June. … Read more

Artificial ‘mini-lungs’ grown in a lab let scientists watch how the coronavirus infects human cells

Tiny artificial lungs grown in a lab from adult stem cells have allowed scientists to watch how coronavirus infects the lungs in a new ‘major breakthrough’.  Researchers from Duke University and Cambridge University produced artificial lungs in two independent and separate studies to examine the spread of Covid-19.  The ‘living lung’ models minimic the tiny … Read more

Up to ONE-THIRD of people believe unproven theories that the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab

Up to one-third of people believe the coronavirus was engineered in a laboratory in Wuhan, China – where the pandemic originated, a new study suggests.  Researchers found that around 23 percent of people in the UK and the US believe the unproven conspiracy theory and labeled it as ‘reliable’ information. In Ireland, the number jumped … Read more

One in four Britons believe Covid-19 was developed in a Chinese lab

One in EIGHT believes Covid-19 pandemic is a ‘plot’, new figures reveal One in eight Britons believe Covid is a conspiracy to force people to vaccinate Dr Sander van der Linden and his team interviewed more than 2,000 Britons  People using social media are more likely to believe Covid conspiracy theories Almost a quarter of … Read more

Treating the North like a lab is a blatant misuse of power, writes DAVID BLUNKETT

The lockdown measures being debated in Parliament are so extraordinary that they are almost comical. If passed, they will make it illegal for two people to dance together – or even be in the same room – unless they live in the same household.  The restrictions will also forbid groups of more than six to … Read more

ROBERT HARDMAN examines new Covid-19 testing machines after Mail Force donates £1m in lab equipment

To the untrained eye, it could be a photocopier with a few plastic trays on top.  Except that you need to wear a gown, mask and gloves and enter a secure zone via two pressurised doors to access this particular piece of dull grey machinery.  It is also one that plays a vital role in … Read more

Wales’ health minister said ghostly ‘lighthouse’ lab would open in August – but it’s STILL idle

Just off the M4 in South Wales, on a half-empty and dismal industrial estate, sits a huge white elephant. This edifice, a vast commercial unit next door to a call centre for the insurance firm GoCompare, covers an area the size of several football pitches and contains what an estate agent recently called ‘high-quality opportunities … Read more

Britain’s biggest Covid testing lab ‘is prioritising Premiership Rugby stars’ 

Britain’s biggest Covid-19 testing lab is prioritising Premiership Rugby stars and travellers to Dubai, company insiders have claimed.  Randox Laboratories in Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, reportedly also regularly fails to provide test results within 24 hours to members of the public.  The lab is responsible for a quarter of all community tests across the UK after … Read more

Study claiming covid was made in Chinese lab was published by groups founded by Steve Bannon

A Chinese defector’s study claiming that Covid-19 was manufactured in a lab was published by groups founded by former Trump strategist Steve Bannon and a billionaire Beijing exile.  The scientific paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, claims the disease was built by merging the genetic material of two bat coronaviruses and that a spike protein … Read more

Scientists to examine the possibility Covid-19 leaked from a Chinese lab

An international team of scientists will investigate the possibility the coronavirus leaked from a lab as they commit to finding out where the pandemic came from.   Researchers will delve into all theories of the virus’s origins amid unproven claims it escaped from a laboratory in China. US state officials have given momentum to the idea … Read more