Huge fire engulfs entire 33-storey apartment block in South Korea

Huge fire engulfs entire 33-storey apartment block in South Korea, as firefighters race to evacuate hundreds of people inside A blaze has engulfed 33-storeys of a residential building in Ulsan, South Korea  Fire is said to have started on floor 12 before spreading through the building  Firefighters have been working to clear the 136-household block … Read more

North Korea parade ‘could turn into coronavirus super-spreader event’

Experts have warned that a huge parade in North Korea to mark the 75th anniversary of the Worker’s Party could turn into a coronavirus ‘super-spreader’ event.  Thousands of troops in close formation are due to goose-step through the streets of Pyongyang on Saturday, watched by crowds of civilians and North Korea’s leaders – including Kim … Read more

North Korea HAS created miniature nukes, UN report warns 

North Korea HAS created miniature nukes and has been developing its ballistic missile programme at an ‘intense pace’ despite coronavirus pandemic, UN report warns North Korea has developed miniature nukes, according to a new UN report  Report stated that the DPRK has continued to develop its ballistic missile programme ‘at an intense pace’ since the … Read more

Kim Jong-un could be set to unveil new North Korea weapons

North Korea analysts are watching for signs that Kim Jong-un is set to unveil new weapons or test-fire a submarine-launched missile in the coming weeks.  Formations of troops have been practising for what is expected to be a major military parade in on October 10, the 75th anniversary of the ruling Workers’ Party. Some observers … Read more

North Korea could conduct first submarine-launched ballistic missile test

North Korea could conduct first submarine-launched ballistic missile test within a year, South Korea warns South Korean official warned North Korea may soon launch the test missile  Comes amid long-stalled nuclear talks between the North and the United States North Korea has been pushing to for ability to launch missiles from submarines  By Ap Published: … Read more

North Korea triples the amount of propaganda taught to pre-schoolers  

North Korea has tripled the dose of propaganda taught to children, so now leader-worship makes up half of the school day, under new orders handed down by Kim Jong Un’s sister.  The new curriculum specifies that ‘Greatness Education’, which focuses on the upbringing of Kim Jong Un and his two predecessors, must take up half of … Read more

How Melbourne under Daniel Andrews is even more repressive than China or North Korea on lockdowns

Melburnians are living under coronavirus lockdown rules even more severe than communist North Korea or China – despite having human rights laws. The central Chinese city of Wuhan, the original epicentre of COVID-19, was locked down for 76 days until April while the even more repressive North Korean hermit kingdom sealed off its border city … Read more

North Korea: Officials executed for discussing ‘stagnant economy’

North Korea ‘executes five Economic Ministry workers after they criticised Kim’s policies at a dinner party’ It is thought the communist party officials were shot by firing squad on July 30 The five men had openly discussed stagnant economy in militarised nation state Their families are said to have also been transferred to a political … Read more

North Korea ‘executes five Economic Ministry workers after they criticised Kim’s policies’ 

North Korea ‘executes five Economic Ministry workers after they criticised Kim’s policies at a dinner party’ It is thought the communist party officials were shot by firing squad on July 30 The five men had openly discussed stagnant economy in militarised nation state Their families are said to have also been transferred to a political … Read more

South Korea sees its highest number of coronavirus infections for months

South Korea reported 441 new cases of coronavirus on Thursday – its highest daily increase for four months – making strict lockdown measures very likely.   The country has added nearly 4,000 infections to its caseload while reporting triple-digit daily jumps in each of the past 14 days, prompting health experts to warn about hospitals possibly … Read more