Coronavirus UK: 46,000 key workers try to book a test as checks ran out in minutes

How do you arrange a coronavirus test?  ARRANGING YOUR OWN Essential workers who are self-isolating can book a test directly here. You can select a regional test site drive-through appointment or home test kit. The Department of Health said home test kit availability will initially be limited but more will become available. However, it said there is … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Key workers start booking Covid-19 tests under new system

Britons struggled to book coronavirus test on Government’s new online system today as Ministers race to meet their 100,000 daily target by the end of next week. Some ten million key workers and their households are now eligible for the tests, but the website was already telling them as early as 8.30am that today’s allocation … Read more

Prince William and Kate back new mental health support scheme for key workers called ‘Our Frontline’

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have today given their backing to a new mental health support network to help frontline workers battling coronavirus.   William and Kate’s Royal Foundation is formally backing a new initiative, called ‘Our Frontline’, which will see leading charities and organisations provide round-the-clock mental health support to everyone from NHS staff … Read more

How losing weight could be key to surviving Covid-19

The latest evidence is that most people have no risk of dying from Covid-19. However, the bad news is the virus probably won’t be eliminated by the lockdown. Doctors are now saying the findings so far suggest there’s more we can all do to reduce the risk of Covid-19 causing us serious illness. The latest … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Prince Philip, 98, thanks key workers

Prince Philip today delivered a heartfelt thank you to key workers who are helping to make sure ‘the infrastructure of our life continues’ in the coronavirus pandemic. The Duke of Edinburgh, 98, said he wanted to recognise the ‘vital and urgent’ medical and scientific work taking place to battle the deadly virus. It is a rare … Read more

Prince Philip thanks key workers for ensuring ‘life continues’ under lockdown

The Duke of Edinburgh has thanked key workers who are helping to make sure that ‘the infrastructure of our life continues’ in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.   Prince Philip, who turns 99 in June and has been staying with the Queen at Windsor Castle with a reduced household for their safety, said he wanted to recognise … Read more

Nursing unions urge Britons to join in a minute’s silence for key workers

Royal College of Nursing and Unison call for Britons to observe one minute’s silence for key workers and NHS staff who have died from coronavirus UNISON and Royal Colleges of Nursing and Midwives organising the tribute Politicians, workers and those in lockdown asked to observe silence on Tuesday Comes as 59 NHS workers and 26 … Read more

China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

Chinese leaders covered up their knowledge of a possible coronavirus a pandemic for six days before an outbreak erupted in Wuhan, it has been revealed.  Top officials secretly determined that they were likely dealing with a major health crisis on January 14, but President Xi only warned the public of the emergency on January 20, evidence … Read more

TfL tells key worker his snap of packed Tube will be ‘included in daily feedback’

‘We’ve noted your comments and photo’: TfL tells key worker his snap of packed Tube will be ‘included in daily feedback’… yet Sadiq Khan lets lockdown farce roll into fourth week Key workers have warned that the London Underground is still dangerously packed and putting lives at risk But they have been told by Transport … Read more

Has Boris’s guru found the key to getting economy out of lockdown?

Boris Johnson’s former economic adviser is set to hand Cabinet Ministers a detailed plan to safely reboot Britain’s economy, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Gerard Lyons, a highly respected economist who was in the running to become Bank of England Governor, will lay out how shops could reopen within weeks under strict social distancing … Read more