NASA claims initial motion is key to ensuring a real-life WARP ENGINE is in drive not reverse 

A NASA engineer has claimed that getting a ‘running start’ would be the key to ensuring that a real-life, Star Trek-style warp engine is in drive, and not reverse. In Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, our Universe comes with a speed limit — with nothing able to travel faster than the speed of light. … Read more

The key economic statistics that highlight the challenges the UK faces

By any stretch of the imagination, the economic data that has been part of the top two or three nightly news items for the last six weeks has been colossally dreadful. Bright and early this morning we have seen the Bank of England warn UK GDP will slump by 14 per cent this year as … Read more

Classrooms of the future: Key workers’ children sit 6ft apart

Schoolchildren will be told to sit 6ft apart with strict social distancing measures in place in playgrounds and canteens as they readjust to life after lockdown.   One in five children will be urged to return to the classroom from next week as part of a gradual reopening of schools. They are expected to follow stringent … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson leads minute’s silence for key workers

More than 90 frontline NHS workers are confirmed to have died during the coronavirus pandemic. Although Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday that 78 NHS workers had died, this is only a partial picture. Tributes from local NHS trusts and loved ones have confirmed the deaths of 94 people … Read more

Aldi kicks blind key worker out for shopping with his girlfriend

Blind key worker, 54, gets thrown out of Aldi for shopping with his partner while he is buying supplies for his elderly neighbours Liverpool City Council worker Christy Lynch was asked to leave Aldi in Thornton   His partner was there because he is blind in one eye and partly blind in the other Lynch tried to … Read more

Germany’s intensive care bed capacity been key to country’s low death rate says foreign minister

Germany’s foreign minister has said the excess capacity in intensive care units and the mass testing available to the population has been one of the main reasons the country has kept its Covid-19 death rate so low. Andreas Michaelis said that while experts had criticised the government for its expenditure on high capacity intensive care, the … Read more

Home-testing coronavirus kits are again unavailable for key workers after just 20 minutes

Millions of key workers have failed to secure a home testing kit again today after the UK government website stated ‘none available’ just twenty minutes after the tests were released.   The test site was launched on Friday in an effort to test key workers who are isolating and get them back to work, however it … Read more

Intensive care units are running low on EIGHT key drugs as doctors are forced to use alternatives

Doctors are prescribing medicines they haven’t used for 20 years and others that may cause heart attacks as hospitals run low on eight key drugs. Sedative drugs used to treat patients with the worst coronavirus symptoms in intensive care have been included on a list of drugs banned for exportation in an effort to ensure … Read more

Millions of key workers face a rush to secure coronavirus test as applications re-open

Millions of key workers are facing a rush to secure a coronavirus test this morning as applications re-open after a ‘significant’ surge in demand yesterday. Some 5,000 home kits and 19,000 drive-through tests are expected to be made available on Saturday – with key workers asked to fill out an online application form as the government … Read more

CES convention held this year may have played a key role in spreading the coronavirus in the US

A report claims to have evidence that this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas played a key role in spreading the coronavirus throughout the US. The event, held in January, carried on amid the outbreak happening in China, which experts say created ‘an ideal venue for transmission.’ Multiple attendees became seriously ill following the … Read more