DAN HODGES: Keir Starmer showed why he’s floundering in all the polls 

He didn’t display the same emotional range and his tone was slightly less sombre. But there was something familiar about last Monday’s response from Sir Keir Starmer to the crisis enveloping the Royal Family. ‘The issues that Meghan has raised on race and mental health are really serious,’ the Labour leader said, ‘and it’s a reminder … Read more

Keir Starmer faces backlash from Labour MPs for ‘misjudging’ the public’s mood over Meghan claims

Sir Keir Starmer faces backlash from Labour MPs for ‘misjudging’ the public’s mood over Meghan Markle’s racism claim about the Royal Family Labour MPs slam Keir Starmer for appearing too sympathetic to Meghan’s claims They are also furious they were initially told not to oppose Tory income tax hikes  Angry mood comes amid predictions of … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches the launch of Labour’s local elections campaign

Treble espressos all round, Giovanni! And while you’re at it, best poke a couple of matchsticks under our eyelids lest we find ourselves toppling into a deep and rigid coma. Sir Keir Starmer launched Labour’s local elections campaign yesterday morning and, ye gods, it was a force-five, chateau-bottled boreathon. To think I could been watching … Read more

Keir Starmer battles to get Labour leadership back on track with assault on 1% NHS pay plan

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer  will turn all his firepower on the Government over its controversial 1 per cent pay rise offer for nurses today as he bids to get his leadership back on track.   The Labour leader is to launch the party’s campaign for May’s local and mayoral elections by demanding key workers are … Read more

Boris Johnson says nurses could be treated ‘exceptionally’ on pay

Boris Johnson hints at U-turn on 1% NHS pay rise saying nurses could be treated ‘exceptionally’ as Keir Starmer berates him at PMQs swiping that Dominic Cummings got 40% Boris Johnson berated by Keir Starmer over NHS pay at a bruising PMQs session Labour leader complained at ‘real terms cut’ after the coronavirus pandemic Mr … Read more

Conservatives in 13-POINT poll lead over Labour as voters support Budget tax rises

The Tories have opened up a huge 13-point poll lead over Labour after voters gave the Budget their seal of approval despite its massive tax raid. Research by YouGov found Conservative support had surged four points to 45 per cent over the past week – while Keir Starmer’s party tumbled to 32 per cent. The … Read more

Tories open up 13-POINT poll lead as voters give Budget seal of approval

The Tories have opened up a huge 13-point poll lead over Labour after voters gave the Budget their seal of approval despite its massive tax raid. Research by YouGov found Conservative support had surged four points to 45 per cent over the past week – while Keir Starmer’s party tumbled to 32 per cent. The … Read more

Budget Spring 2021: Keir Starmer is mocked on social media for ‘limp’ takedown of Rishi Sunak

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer was today accused of being ‘ineffective’ after mocking Rishi Sunak’s love of social media in his response to the Tory Chancellor’s radical Budget. The Chancellor announced that income tax thresholds are being frozen until 2026 and corporation tax is being hiked from 2023 as he revealed the Government’s ‘unimaginable’ £407billion … Read more

‘I’m sure this Budget will look better on Instagram’: Keir Starmer blasts social media-loving Sunak

Sir Keir Starmer accused Rishi Sunak of using today’s Budget to ‘paper over the cracks’ that have opened up in the UK economy during the Covid pandemic –  as he took aim at the Chancellor’s love of social media. The Labour leader goaded Mr Sunak after he presented his plan to restore the nation’s finances, … Read more

Sir Keir Starmer’s approval rating sinks to a new low

Sir Keir Starmer’s approval rating sinks to a new low as he faces Labour split over opposition to corporation tax hike as shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds says ‘now is not the time for tax rises’ but hints the party COULD back business raid in the future Keir Starmer’s approval rating has fallen to its lowest … Read more