Former president of Ireland had to ask the Pope to apologise for ‘sexist’ comment

Former Irish president Mary McAleese says she made Pope John Paul II apologise for ‘sexism’ after he asked her husband if he’d prefer to be in charge of the country instead of married to the leader Mary McAleese took part in Focus Ireland’s International Women’s Day event Former president of Ireland reflected on the first … Read more

Lord Frost swipes at EU motives for Northern Ireland row

Stop sulking! Lord Frost swipes that EU is fuelling Northern Ireland row because it is still bitter about Brexit Lord Frost suggested link between NI row and ‘ill-will’ over UK leaving the EU Cabinet Office minister defended UK’s unilateral extension of grace periods Fears rising about sectarian tensions in the province caused by the protocol   … Read more

Ministers accuse EU of stoking fight over Northern Ireland protocol

Ministers have accused the EU of stoking the row over the Northern Ireland protocol because they are jealous of the UK’s vaccine rollout. Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng linked the increasingly bitter row over the Brexit divorce terms to the contrasting performance on jabs. He suggested that European politicians were ‘playing politics’ to distract attention from … Read more

Tory MPs demand Northern Ireland protocol is scrapped

Arlene Foster holds talks with loyalist paramilitary representatives over Northern Ireland protocol as Tories demand it is scrapped and warn it has had a ‘profound and negative effect’ amid wrangling with the EU  DUP leader Arlene Foster met representative group for loyalist paramilitaries  Loyalists are angry over new post-Brexit checks on goods arriving at NI … Read more

Covid Ireland: Cork nuns ‘breached Covid rules as they tried to expel demons in Dublin’ 

Rules don’t say you can meet a friend to exorcise! Irish nuns ‘breached Covid rules as they attended service in a park to expel demons from Dublin Parliament’  Mother Irene Gibson & Sister Anne Marie allegedly traveled from Cork to Dublin They attended the exorcism before taking part in a traditional Latin Mass  At the … Read more

Finalists and the current Miss Ireland boycott the prestigious competition BLASTING ‘outdated’ rules

The Miss Ireland competition has come under fire from contestants and former winners who have blasted the rules banning mothers from entering.  Blue Scannell, 19, who was waiting to find out if she would represent Dublin in the Miss Ireland competition, took to Instagram to explain she had decided to withdraw because of the contest’s ‘outdated’ restrictions – … Read more

Man in his 20s is left fighting for his life after being shot in Northern Ireland

Man in his 20s is left fighting for his life after being shot in Northern Ireland Victim was taken to hospital and in a critical condition after being shot last night Police were called to report of shooting in the Hopewell Crescent area of Belfast  Officers attended the scene along with the Northern Ireland Ambulance … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘wants a giant ROUNDABOUT under Isle of Man’ to connect Britain with Northern Ireland

Boris Johnson wants to build a giant roundabout under the Isle of Man that connects three tunnels  to Northern Ireland, sources claim, but one aide dismisses it as a ‘bats***’ scheme.  The latest extravagant transport idea backed by Boris Johnson could see three tunnels heading out from England and Scotland, arriving at a roundabout dubbed … Read more

Up to 3,000 vulnerable children are attending school in Northern Ireland

The number of vulnerable children attending school in Northern Ireland has risen to around 3,000, a Stormont committee has heard.  The Department of Health’s director of family and children’s policy, Eilis McDaniel, said data has been collected since the beginning of the pandemic following a fall in the number of referrals to children’s social services. Ms McDaniel said … Read more