French and Belgian police arrest 26 suspects in Europe-wide crackdown on human trafficking

French and Belgian police arrest 26 suspects in Europe-wide crackdown on human trafficking triggered by deaths of 39 migrants in a lorry in Essex By Joe Middleton For Mailonline Published: 15:50 BST, 27 May 2020 | Updated: 16:17 BST, 27 May 2020 Police in France and Belgium have arrested 26 suspects as part of an … Read more

Human coronavirus vaccine trials to begin in Australia TODAY with 130 people

Human coronavirus vaccine trials to begin in Australia TODAY with 130 people due to take experimental US drug  Human trials for a coronavirus vaccine will take place in Melbourne today   The NVX-CoV2373 vaccine will be tested on 130 volunteers aged 18 to 59  It stimulates antibodies and was developed by US biotech company Novavax  Marks the … Read more

JAN MOIR: Dominic Cummings sounded practically human at first.

How apt that it was perfect barbecue weather when Dominic Cummings appeared in the Downing Street garden for his media grilling.  The senior government adviser had been marinating in a sauce of molten opprobrium since his illicit lockdown dash to Durham became public news.  He had also been highly seasoned by the chilli rage of … Read more

China’s coronavirus vaccine is ‘safe’ in world’s first completed human trial

A coronavirus vaccine trialled in 108 healthy volunteers in China safely triggered an immune response in the participants, a new study reveals.  Antibody production seen in the patients is a good sign that the vaccine may protect them from infection, but it’s too soon to say for sure.  The Chinese vaccine was the very first … Read more

Bionic eye that is as sensitive as human retina could give millions the chance to see again

A bionic eye that is as sensitive as the human retina could give millions of people the chance to see again — and will be available in just five years, a study reports. Named EC-EYE — short for ‘ElectroChemical EYE’ — the eerie bio-mimetic device is around an inch wide and was built by researchers … Read more

NASA’s head of human spaceflight RESIGNS days before manned SpaceX mission

NASA’s head of human spaceflight quit on Monday, just days before the first commercial mission to take astronauts to the International Space Station.    Elon Musk’s SpaceX will become the first commercial company to fly astronauts to the ISS in a flight that will also be the first from US soil since 2011.  Doug Loverro, who … Read more

NASA creates ‘cosmic ray gun’ that simulates space radiation to study effects on the human body

Scientists have raised concerns over how galactic cosmic rays would affect astronauts on deep space missions, as it can cause dementia and permanent memory loss. NASA has designed a machine that simulates the rays by combining protons, helium ions and heavier ions to create a radiation environment. The gun-like instruments was first used used on … Read more

Scientists create the most advanced human-mouse ‘hybrid’ embryo, with 4% of human cells

Scientists create the most advanced human-mouse ‘hybrid’ embryo ever, with as much as 4% of human cells found in the mouse embryo’s blood, brain tissue, and heart Researchers created a hybrid embryo of mice cells and human stem cells The embyros are the most advanced human-mice hybrids, with some made of up to 4% human … Read more

Hands of an ancient human ancestor species were adapted for climbing and ‘some precision movements’

Two million-year-old hominin with human-like thumb knuckles is the earliest ancient human ancestor to use its hands to grasp objects as well as climb trees, study shows Australopithecus sediba is a distant relative that lived two million years ago  Study claims its fingers were suited to climbing and grabbing branches  But its thumb was well-suited … Read more

Pair of antibodies that BLOCK coronavirus from infecting human cells are discovered

Chinese scientists have discovered two antibodies which prevent the coronavirus from invading human cells.  The distinct antibodies are called H4 and B38 and prevent SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, from latching on to uninfected cells. In preliminary trials on mice, the amount of virus inside infected lungs was reduced by up to a third … Read more