Second coronavirus vaccine in Britain to start human trials WEDNESDAY and doses could cost just £3

The second coronavirus vaccine made in Britain is on track to start human trials as soon as Wednesday, and could cost just £3 per person if it’s proven to work.  Imperial College London scientists expect approval for the first phase of human trials – which will check if their vaccine is safe – to come … Read more

Like slavery, there are some (such as my daughter) whom the law treats as less than fully human 

We have just celebrated our younger daughter’s 25th birthday. The high point was a ‘Zoom disco’ in which absent family and friends joined Domenica as she danced exuberantly to the soundtrack she had compiled and choreographed herself. She was, of course, the star of the show. For me, this joyful day was also tinged with … Read more

Embryo-like model created from stem cells provides a ‘blueprint’ of the human body

An embryo-like model researchers created from stem cells can provide a ‘blueprint’ of the human body as it forms, a study has reported. The development by researchers from the University of Cambridge will allow experts to study the so-called ‘black box’ period of human development, gastrulation. Scientists are unable to directly observe this time in … Read more

Cops confirm two sets of human remains were found at Lori Vallow’s husband’s home

Family members have confirmed that one set of children’s remains found on the property of Lori Vallow’s husband Chad Daybell were identified as her son, Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow (pictured) Family members have confirmed that one set of children’s remains found on the property of Lori Vallow’s husband Chad Daybell were identified as her son, Joshua … Read more

Human remains found at home of Lori Vallow’s husband Chad Daybell as he is taken into custody

Human remains have been recovered from the property of Lori Vallow’s husband Chad Daybell, police confirmed after he was taken into custody while they raided his home for the second time in a seven-month hunt for the ‘cult mom’s missing kids.     Rexburg Assistant Police Chief Gary Hagen announced the heartbreaking discovery at a brief press … Read more

‘Human slavery’ victim, 43, dies after huge fire breaks out at cannabis factory in Birmingham

‘Human slavery’ victim, 43, dies after huge fire breaks out at cannabis factory in Birmingham where he was being ‘held against his will’ Another in his 20s was saved from blaze and has been discharged from hospital It is believed that both men were trafficked to the United Kingdom from abroad West Midlands Police said the … Read more

Mini human livers grown from skin cells are transplanted into rats

Miniature human livers grown from skin cells are successfully transplanted into rats for the first time – offering hope for ‘made-to-order’ organ replacements in the future Researchers took human skin cells and then reprogrammed them into stem cells They then managed to coax these new stem cells into converting into liver cells  The liver cells … Read more

Scientists grow hair on mice using human stem cells 

Scientists have grown hair on mice using human stem cells in a possible step towards curing baldness. US scientists said they’ve created skin organoids – tiny tissue cultures – from stem cells in a lab dish. These can generate into multi-layered skin tissue with hair follicles, sebaceous glands and neural circuitry when cultured for four … Read more

Squid’s colour-changing proteins make human cells TRANSPARENT

There are several ways in which animals can camouflage themselves against the surrounding environment.  Countershading  Countershading is a form of camouflage used by animals where one side of the animal is darker than another.  Often, in the animal kingdom, an animal’s back (dorsal side) is dark while its underside (ventral side) is light.  In 2017, … Read more

Cats will need to be gently weaned off human contact before the end of lockdown, RSPCA says

Cats and owners will both have to readjust to being without each other all day once lockdown ends, the RSPCA warns.  The animal charity says cats may have forged even stronger relationships to their humans during the crisis, as people stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As a result, when people begin … Read more