Boris Johnson meets NHS heroes as one final clap is held for health workers on NHS’ 72nd birthday

One final clap: Boris Johnson meets NHS heroes and public buildings are lit up for last round of applause for health workers on the NHS’ 72nd birthday The clap, which took place at 5pm tonight, was a continuation from the success of the weekly Clap for Carers It celebrates the 75th anniversary of NHS and … Read more

Historians weigh in on Trump’s picks for new ‘Garden of Heroes’

Historians have weighed in on Trump’s rather bizarre picks for his new National Garden of American Heroes, slamming the president’s choices as ‘odd’ and ‘inappropriate’, while highlighting the lack of diversity.   During a rabble-rousing speech at Mount Rushmore on Friday, Trump announced an executive order to create the new monument honoring ‘the greatest Americans who … Read more

Celebrity photographer Rankin turns his lens on to the NHS heroes who helped fight coronavirus

One of the world’s most renowned celebrity photographers, who has snapped the likes of David Bowie and Madonna, has turned his attention from Hollywood to hospitals. The latest set of portraits by British photographer Rankin – real name John Rankin Waddell – are of 12 NHS workers who have helped in the coronavirus crisis.  From … Read more

United We Sing: A Grammy Tribute to the Unsung Heroes: Brad Pitt and Sandra Bullock thank workers

Brad Pitt and Sandra Bullock were among a slew of stars who showed their thanks to workers on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis in United We Sing: A Grammy Tribute to the Unsung Heroes. The two-hour CBS special follows Harry Connick Jr. and his filmmaker daughter Georgia, who, along with a camera crew, go … Read more

JOHN HUMPHRYS: We all need true heroes and villains… but which one is Boris Johnson?

Magistrates’ courts in small towns are where journalists’ careers were forged back in the heyday of the local paper. It’s where you learned the only thing that mattered was getting it right. Especially names. Spell a name incorrectly and you were dead meat. It’s also where you learned about the warp and the weft of … Read more

Young heroes’ exploits recalled in Children Against Hitler book

A spot-check almost caught out Adolfo Kaminsky. The teenager was clutching an attache case on the Metro in Nazi-occupied Paris when a patrol of the Milice, the vicious French militia who col laborated with the Germans, came sweeping through the train, checking papers, rummaging through bags and making arrests. They were on the hunt for … Read more

Racists or heroes? Black Lives Matter want to topple statues of famous Britons due to slavery links

Black Lives Matter activists are calling for the removal of 60 statues of slave owners and racists across Britain. Top of their target list is the statue of Cecil Rhodes and petitions also exist to remove the statue of slave-trading West India Docks founder Robert Milligan, and the statue of former Home Secretary Henry Dundas … Read more

How hotels across the UK have been helping our Covid heroes

Hotels’ reward for our Covid heroes: The extraordinary ways hotels across the UK have been helping their local communities through the pandemic Seaham Hall hotel, County Durham, cooks 400 meals a week for local hospitals London’s Strand Palace Hotel delivers food to ambulance control rooms   Best Western chain sends handwritten letters to those isolated by the … Read more

Police hunt vandals after ‘Tommy Silhouette’ memorials to fallen war heroes were ‘beheaded’

Police hunt ‘despicable’ vandals after ‘Tommy Silhouette’ memorials to fallen war heroes were ‘beheaded’ Tommy Silhouettes vandalised in Purfleet, Essex, between Friday and Saturday A total of 26 statues were beheaded or ripped from their stands in the attack  Locals raised over £300 to replace silhouettes recognising World War heroes By Milly Vincent For Mailonline … Read more

Queen to open £3.2million monument to honour Britain’s fallen emergency services coronavirus heroes

A £3.2million monument to honour Britain’s fallen emergency service workers including those who died during the coronavirus pandemic will be opened. More than 7,000 emergency service workers have died in the line of duty over the last 250 years, with more than 180 NHS staff known to have died from Covid-19. The National Emergency Services Memorial … Read more