Help For Heroes will make 90 staff redundant after charity’s income dropped during Covid pandemic

Help for Heroes have announced that 142 of its staff roles are at risk of redundancy after its income has plummeted by almost a third during the coronavirus pandemic. The military charity, which supports war veterans and their families, announced on Wednesday that it is forced to undergo a ‘major restructure’ to protect its services … Read more

ROBERT HARDMAN: 80 years on, how are the memories of the Battle of Britain’s heroes being preserved?

And then there was one.  We are preparing to remember arguably the most precarious moment in the history of this country — the week when our very existence hung in the balance; when the odds of invasion and subjugation finally tipped in our favour thanks to the gallantry of a youthful band of brothers whom … Read more

Melania Trump joins fights back against claims Donald Trump called WWI Marine heroes ‘losers’

The White House is furiously fighting back against a politically explosive report that the president called U.S. military heroes killed in battle ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ – and turned down a trip to visit U.S. war dead in France due to the rain. Fox News, the Washington Post and Associated Press were among the news outlets … Read more

White House fights back against claims Donald Trump called WWI Marine heroes ‘losers’

The White House if furiously fighting back against a politically explosive report that the president called U.S. military heroes killed in battle ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ – and turned down a trip to visit U.S. war dead in France due to the rain. President Donald Trump rejoined the fray on Friday, attacking the Atlantic magazine, which … Read more

Prince Charles shows off THIRTEEN medals as he leads tributes to ‘forgotten heroes’ on VJ Day

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall yesterday led the nation as it marked the 75th anniversary of VJ Day – when the Second World War ended with victory over Japan.  As veterans in their 90s looked on, the Royal couple laid poppy posies and wreathes at the Kwai Railway Memorial at the National Memorial … Read more

Queen thanks the heroes who ‘fought so valiantly’ to bring the Second World War to an end

The Queen has given thanks to those ‘who fought so valiantly’ for today’s cherished freedoms on the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. In a special message on VJ (Victory in Japan) Day, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh – who himself was aboard HMS Whelp in Tokyo Bay as the … Read more

Jamie Oliver’s everyday heroes: From perfect peppers to roasted broccoli

We know that everyone cooks the same small repertoire of recipes, so I want to help you expand on that and arm you with some new favourites. For the first time, I’ve looked at the data that shows what we’re putting into our shopping baskets, week in, week out, and have built meals around the … Read more

PC Harper’s widow Lissie calls for full life jail terms for killers who claim lives of 999 heroes

PC Harper’s widow calls for full life jail terms for killers who claim lives of 999 heroes – after traveller trio dragged her husband to death in line of duty Lissie Harper said she would to ‘never stop’ in pursuit of justice for her husband She wants killers of emergency workers to be given full-life sentences … Read more

VICTORIA BISCHOFF: No way to treat police heroes injured on duty

VICTORIA BISCHOFF: Raiding the pensions of police heroes injured in the line of duty is nothing short of scandalous By Victoria Bischoff for the Daily Mail Published: 22:00 BST, 14 July 2020 | Updated: 09:50 BST, 15 July 2020 It is nothing short of scandalous that injured police officers who are long retired now find … Read more