Hero doctor rescues Oxford vaccine doses from burning building after health centre burst into flames

Hero doctor rescues Oxford jab doses from burning vaccination centre after it burst into flames as people queued for Covid injections Doctor was seen pulling refrigerated container of vaccines from health centre  Patients were evacuated from Emberbrook Community Centre on Saturday Volunteers praise doctor’s heroic effort, saying: ‘It was his priority to get it out’ … Read more

‘Hero’ teacher who has hand-delivered 10,000 lunches to vulnerable school pupils now needs knee op

‘Hero’ teacher, 48, who has hand-delivered over 10,000 lunches to vulnerable school pupils during lockdown reveals he now requires knee surgery after walking 750 miles since March Zane Powles, from Grimsby, spends his morning delivering lunches to students  The students are currently self-isolating with families at home amid pandemic  He faced toughest delivery yet and … Read more

Chief negotiator and ‘true hero’ of the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege has died

The Metropolitan Police’s head negotiator who helped the SAS save the lives of 19 hostages during the Iranian Embassy siege of 1980 has died. Chief Superintendent Max Vernon was part of a six-man team charged with negotiating with six armed terrorists who besieged the diplomatic building in South Kensington, West London and took 26 people … Read more

Double amputee ex-Royal Marine hailed hero by Prince Harry abused over disabled parking space

Ben McBean, 33, with his blue badge at the disabled parking space where he was abused A double amputee ex-Commando hailed a ‘hero’ by Prince Harry was abused by a woman passer-by as a ‘government-draining d***head’ for parking in a disabled bay with a blue badge. Former Royal Marine Ben McBean, 33, lost an arm … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Johnson once boasted his political hero was the mayor from Jaws

Boris Johnson used to boast that his political hero was Larry Vaughn, the mayor from Jaws, who kept beaches open despite the shark attacks. That was then, pre-Covid. Today, Boris is still taking his cue from the Spielberg classic. But he’s singing a different tune. Just when you thought it was safe . . . … Read more

Carol Vorderman ‘calls for a Captain Sir Tom Moore day’ in honour of the late war hero

‘He was the epitomé of selfless grace’: Carol Vorderman calls for a ‘Captain Sir Tom Moore day’ in honour of the veteran after his death from Covid aged 100 By Natasha Hooper For Mailonline Published: 00:53 GMT, 6 February 2021 | Updated: 01:00 GMT, 6 February 2021 Carol Voderman has called for a ‘Captain Sir … Read more

Boris Johnson backs rallying cry to give our national hero a lasting memorial 

An artist impression shows what the statue of WWII veteran, and British Covid hero, Captain Sir Tom Moore, could look like  Boris Johnson last night joined the national clamour for a statue of Britain’s Covid hero, Captain Sir Tom Moore. Asked to back the Daily Mail’s call for a permanent public memorial to the Second … Read more

Britain salutes Captain Tom: Nation takes to doorsteps to pay tribute to fundraising hero

Hundreds of thousands of Britons across the nation have taken to their doorsteps this evening to pay tribute to Sir Captain Moore after he died of coronavirus yesterday.   Prime Minister Boris Johnson led the national round of applause at 6pm from Downing Street, with the veteran’s family also taking part. They were joined by hundreds of … Read more

Memorial to Captain Tom: Matt Hancock says war hero has a ‘place in history’ and should be honoured

A permanent memorial to inspirational Captain Sir Tom Moore should be built to recognise his contribution to the NHS, the government said this morning. Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock confirmed the 100-year-old had cemented his place in history after his heroic fundraising efforts. He said his courageous rallying of the country during the … Read more

The war hero who became a national treasure by walking 100 laps of his garden

Captain Sir Tom Moore’s death today aged 100 marks the end of an extraordinary life that saw him go from WWII hero to quiz show star and then a national treasure after walking 100 laps of his garden to raise £33m for the NHS. The grandfather-of-four’s service in World War Two took him across Asia … Read more