Chris Harrison has ‘no regrets’ over Bachelor fall-out after receiving $9M golden handshake

Chris Harrison has ‘no regrets’ over Bachelor fall-out after receiving $9M golden handshake: ‘I wish everybody the best’ By Tracy Wright For Published: 17:48 EDT, 29 July 2021 | Updated: 17:51 EDT, 29 July 2021 Chris Harrison admitted he had ‘no regrets’ about leaving the Bachelor franchise after a 19-year hosting gig. The 50-year-old … Read more

Limp handshake? You may be at risk of a potentially fatal liver disease

Could GPs soon be detecting hidden liver disease, simply by shaking a patient’s hand? While social distancing means it’s currently barred, it is a real prospect raised by new research that shows a limp handshake or a weak grip is an early warning sign of a potentially fatal condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). … Read more

Boris Johnson pulls out of awkward handshake at last minute when he remembers Westminster Abbey ban

Boris Johnson pulls out of awkward handshake at last minute when he remembers Westminster Abbey ban as Prince Charles and Craig David find their own resourceful ways round the rule Boris Johnson offered handshake to bishop at the Commonwealth Service today Photos show the PM reaching out his hand before sharply pulling it backwards Prince … Read more

Fans mock Liverpool and Bournemouth players as they walk by each other after handshake ban

2020 OLYMPIC GAMES  In doubt  The scale of the outbreak in Japan saw senior International Olympic Committee member Dick Pound describe the disease as ‘the new war’ threatening Tokyo 2020 and he warned the Games may have to be cancelled if the virus was still around by May. Olympic organisers told athletes to train as normal … Read more

The great handshake debate: How world leaders are divided over whether to touch their subjects

World leaders are continuing to shake hands across the globe despite health officials suggesting the gesture should be banned to stop the spread of coronavirus. Senior members of the British royal family such as Prince Charles, Prince William and his wife Kate all carried out public appearances yesterday where they used the traditional greeting as … Read more