Airline billionaires told: Put hands in your OWN pockets to help the bailout

Sir Richard Branson and other billionaire aviation investors should reach into their own pockets and contribute to any bailout deal for the sector, former Ministers have demanded. The Government is thought to be on the verge of agreeing a multi-billion pound rescue deal for airlines and airports – which could include the State taking stakes … Read more

Scam code hands back £41m to victims but losses grew to £456m in 2019

Blameless fraud victims were handed back £41.3million by banks in the second half of last year, new figures reveal, as the percentage winning back some money doubled.  But in a sign of the mounting risk to people’s finances losses to bank transfer and impersonation scams rose 29 per cent last year to £455.8million. The introduction of … Read more

Proof of why it’s essential to wash your hands properly

Proof of why it’s essential to wash your hands properly: These amazing UV pictures show what really kills germs Good Health has used a special UV camera to test methods of hand washing Person rubbed on Glo Germ gel, which simulates how germs cling to your skin The whiter the hands are in the pictures … Read more

Schoolchildren say they’re taking matters into their own hands by staying home from school

Thousands of schoolchildren and students have decided to take matters into their own hands and stay home in a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus. A Twitter hashtag, #Covid19Walkout, has sparked a movement amongst younger generations to stage a walkout on Friday.  School chiefs and teaching unions are to hold crisis talks with Education … Read more

Coronavirus: Professor’s demo shows power of washing hands

‘Does soap work against viruses? Most definitely yes’: Professor uses bowl of oil and pepper to demonstrate the importance of washing hands amid coronavirus crisis Prof Lucy Rogers from Brunel University, London, did demonstration on TikTok She used pepper to represent the virus and oil as the fat holding virus together When hands were lathered in … Read more

Coronavirus US: Trump shakes hands repeatedly at conference

President Donald Trump did not hesitate to spread germs Friday by repeatedly shaking hands during his coronavirus press conference, breaking the CDC’s guidelines on how to avoid contracting the deadly virus.  But Trump wasn’t the only one to flout the safety guidelines. Vice President Mike Pence, members of the coronavirus task force and CEOs adjusted … Read more

Tobey Maguire, 44, is a barrel of laughs holding hands with girlfriend Tatiana Dieteman, 27

Tobey Maguire, 44, beams while holding hands with girlfriend Tatiana Dieteman, 27, after vegan lunch in LA By Sameer Suri For Published: 03:24 GMT, 14 March 2020 | Updated: 03:30 GMT, 14 March 2020 Tobey Maguire was a barrel of laughs when he was glimpsed holding hands with his girlfriend Tatiana Dieteman in Los … Read more

Gloria Gaynor washes her hands to her iconic song I Will Survive to help prevent the Coronavirus

By Natalie Rahhal, Acting US Health Editor for   HOW DANGEROUS IS CORONAVIRUS? About 14 percent of people who contract the Covid-19 coronavirus are taken to hospital – with severe symptoms including breathing problems and pneumonia. About 5 per cent need intensive care. But the majority who get the virus suffer nothing more than … Read more

Doctors are left baffled as Indian amputee’s new hands adapt to her body

Doctors are left baffled as man’s hands that were grafted onto female amputee have slowly grown more slender to blend in with her body Amputee Shreya Siddanagowder’s new hands have mystified doctors    Once big & hairy, they changed colour to match skin and became more slender  ‘Now nobody can make out that they are a … Read more

Traveller flies to Mexico for the air miles – but ends up in jail at the hands of corrupt police

A frequent flyer claims he ended up in a Mexican jail at the hands of corrupt police officers during a trip he took to reach a special loyalty status with an airline. TV and internet producer Andrew Kimmel, from Los Angeles, tells of his extraordinarily rotten luck on his Twitter account – a tale so … Read more