Coldstream Guards investigated by police after bar brawl with Queen’s footmen near Buckingham Palace

Three Coldstream Guards are being questioned by police after becoming embroiled in a fight with royal footmen. The fracas left four of the Queen’s footmen injured with two needing hospital treatment. The Guards, often seen wearing their famous red jackets and bearskin hats, have a special ceremonial role guarding the Queen and her household at … Read more

JOHN GRAY: It’s not an exaggeration to compare methods of new ‘woke movement’ to Mao’s Red Guards

Today we are no longer living in a free society. Instead, we are ruled by those who try to enforce their extreme views by shaming and ruining those who think differently. It is not far-fetched to compare the methods of this ‘woke movement’ to those of Chairman Mao’s Red Guards, who terrorised the Chinese people … Read more

Coronavirus killed TWICE as many factory workers and security guards as doctors and nurses

Coronavirus death rate is TWICE as high among factory workers and security guards than doctors and nurses, shock data reveals Factory staff died at a rate of 73 per 100,000 men between March 9 and May 25 at height of UK’s epidemic Men working as bouncers or security in England and Wales were killed by … Read more

Security guards patrol Stonehenge to keep revellers away as druids prepare to watch virtual sunrise 

Security guards are patrolling Stonehenge in a bid to keep revellers away from celebrating the summer solstice. The monument, on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, is a firm favourite for watching the sunrise and sunset on what is the longest day of the year. Traditionally thousands of druids, hippies and party-goers flock to the famous landmark … Read more

Travel bloggers reveal they have 24-hour security guards at their $1.2MILLION Balinese mansion

Travel bloggers who earn a six-figure salary from sharing their jet-setting lifestyle online have revealed exactly how much they spent on their luxury Balinese mansion and the extensive roster of staff they’ve hired to work in their home. Jack Morris, 29, from Manchester in the UK, and his Australian girlfriend Lauren Bullen, 27, who have … Read more

David Beckham is beefing up security at Cotswolds home with gatehouse for 24-hour security guards 

David Beckham is beefing up security at his Cotswolds home with gatehouse for 24-hour security guards David Beckham is ramping up security at his and Victoria’s Cotswolds mansion  Football legend submitted building plans to West Oxfordshire District Council  Proposal includes 24-hour manned gatehouse and a connecting getaway tunnel Also requested council’s permission to extend garage … Read more

Shocking moment security guards drag an elderly man by his feet into a Morrisons

Shocking moment security guards drag an elderly man by his feet into a Morrisons supermarket in front of stunned shoppers as trolley full of toilet roll is seized for ‘evidence’ Three ‘members of staff’ pulled the man back into store in Enfield, north London One of the workers appeared to stand on him during the … Read more

Police demand spit guards to protect them from coronavirus thugs

Spit guards should be carried by all frontline police to protect officers from thugs spitting and coughing at them during the coronavirus pandemic, a senior figure has demanded.  Sergeant Simon Kempton, the operational lead for Covid-19 at the Police Federation, told MPs the virus was being ‘weaponised’ by criminals after dozens of such assaults in … Read more

North Korea ‘is using the bodies of political prisoners as FERTILISER to grow crops for guards’

North Korea is using the bodies of political prisoners as fertiliser to grow crops for the facility’s guards, a former captive has claimed.   The former prisoner, who used the pseudonym Kim Il-soon, exposed the monstrous practice after surviving the hell of Kaechon concentration camp, which is located north of Pyongyang.  The guards considered the method … Read more

French border guards impound trucks filled with 130,000 face masks bound for Britain

French border guards impound trucks filled with 130,000 face masks bound for Britain for NHS workers battling coronavirus After realising what was on board, border guards in France held the truck there Emmanuel Macron’s promised to ‘requisition’ face masks for the French crisis  A truck with hand sanitiser was delayed by authorities on way to … Read more