Matt Hancock says ministers will ‘do everything’ to make sure holidays CAN happen

Matt Hancock today insisted ministers are ‘doing everything we can’ to make sure people can go on holidays this summer – but admitted there is no guarantee of success. The Health Secretary confirmed that he has already booked a trip to Cornwall, despite Grant Shapps sparking fury yesterday by saying Britons should not plan trips … Read more

Matt Hancock admits he’s booked a summer break in Cornwall

Travel advice from the Government descended into farce last night as ministers bickered over whether it is safe to book a summer break in the UK this year. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps sparked a furious backlash after declaring yesterday morning: ‘People shouldn’t be booking holidays right now – not domestically or internationally.’ As anger mounted, … Read more

Covid UK: Grant Shapps says vaccine passports COULD happen

Grant Shapps revealed today he has had talks with foreign politicians about an  ‘internationally recognised system’ of allowing travellers to prove they have had a Covid jab. The Transport Secretary made the admission despite Downing Street insisting for weeks that it has no plans to introduce ‘vaccine passports’ that would prove the holder’s coronanvirus immunity.  … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon demands England quarantines ALL international arrivals heading on to Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon was facing fury today after her Government demanded English authorities quarantine travellers flying into England if they were destined for Scotland.  The First Minister was accused of trying to extend Scottish laws south of the border with the demand that would force England to lock people up in hotels for 10 days even … Read more

‘Green’ number plates ‘can be illegally bought by petrol and diesel owners due to checks loophole’

‘Green’ number plates meant for electric vehicles ‘can be illegally bought by petrol and diesel owners for just £20 due to checks loophole’ Transport Secretary Grant Shapps launched green number plates late last year  The plates, on sale for under £20, give drivers free access to clean air zones But the AA has found major … Read more

We are stuck with smart motorways, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps admits 

Grant Shapps has ruled out scrapping so-called ‘smart motorways’, while admitting their name was a ‘misnomer’. The Transport Secretary said yesterday that he ‘wouldn’t have gone about it like this’ were he in charge when they were launched and said mistakes were made in their roll-out which initially made them less safe. But he told … Read more

Government says it is up to France to save Eurostar

Government says it is up to France to save Eurostar as cross-Channel rail operator begs for taxpayer cash after losing 95 per cent of passengers due to Covid Grant Shapps says UK wants Eurostar ‘to survive’ but ‘it’s not our company’  Over half of the shares of the cross-channel rail service are owned by France  … Read more

Train lines reopening unlocks new frontiers for the housing market

For the people of the Blyth Valley, it’s payback time. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has announced a £34million fund to start to reinstate the passenger rail line between Newcastle and Ashington. This is seen by many as a reward for being the first constituency to breach the ‘red wall’ of seats extending across the Midlands … Read more

First look at new Union Jack number plates as EU flag vanishes from UK cars

First look at new Union Jack number plates as EU flag vanishes from UK cars in the wake of Brexit European Union flags have been removed from new number plates and licences Transport Secretary Grant Schapps tweeted an image of new design for cars Makeover ‘signifies beginning of new chapter for the UK’, says the … Read more

Smart motorways UK: Roads bosses vow to speed up safety push after coroner’s ruling

Road chiefs have pledged to accelerate the rollout of potentially lifesaving safety measures on smart motorways following crisis talks with Transport Secretary Grant Shapps. The minister ordered Highways England to bring forward the deadline for installing vital technology which can detect when vehicles are marooned and prevent collisions. More CCTV is to be rolled out to … Read more