Cost of Government’s furlough scheme set to soar

Cost of Government’s furlough scheme set to soar as two-thirds of smaller firms apply for taxpayer money to pay wages By Lucy White For The Daily Mail Published: 22:07 BST, 15 April 2020 | Updated: 22:35 BST, 15 April 2020 The cost of the Government’s furlough scheme is set to soar as two-thirds of smaller … Read more

Apple releases mobility data generated by Apple Maps for governments and health authorities

Data generated from searches on Apple Maps is released to help authorities monitor whether people are adhering to lockdown rules or still traveling The data is now publicly accessible via Apple’s database Information uses navigation requests entered into Apple Maps Apple says the data is anonymized and not associated with an Apple ID The company … Read more

Pakistani PM Imran Khan urges western governments to waive debt repayments

Pakistani PM Imran Khan warns MORE people in developing countries will starve under coronavirus lockdowns than will be killed by the disease as he urges western governments to waive debt repayments Pakistan has recorded 5,183 infections, with 88 deaths, so far in the pandemic Its already-struggling economy has been hit hard by the nationwide lockdowns … Read more

PFA chief Gordon Taylor hits out at government’s decision to single out footballers over pay-cuts

PFA chief Gordon Taylor hits out at the government’s ‘extraordinary’ decision to single out footballers over pay-cuts as he calls for spotlight to be turned on to bankers and hedge fund managers PFA chief executive Gordon Taylor says players were singled out over pay-cuts Players launched their own collective initiative to raise money for NHS … Read more

Hopes rise that Government’s 100,000 testing target WILL be hit as academics unveil new equipment

Hopes rise that Government’s 100,000 testing target WILL be hit as academics unveil equipment that can process virus samples without using labs Major health tech firms pledged to help Government hit 100,000 testing target  AstraZeneca, Cambridge University and GlaxoSmithKline have joined forces for a testing facility in Cambridge to produce accurate antibody test in weeks … Read more

Government’s business support help not enough to bring steel industry back from brink of collapse

Government’s business support help not enough to bring steel industry back from brink of collapse By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:56 BST, 8 April 2020 | Updated: 21:56 BST, 8 April 2020 The Government’s business support help will still not be enough to bring the steel industry back from the brink of … Read more

Thousands furloughed as firms take up government’s wages offer

Thousands more workers furloughed as firms take up government’s offer to pay 80% of their wages By Matt Oliver For The Daily Mail Published: 21:50 BST, 6 April 2020 | Updated: 22:19 BST, 6 April 2020 Thousands of workers were furloughed yesterday as more companies jumped on the Government’s offer to pay 80 per cent … Read more

Covidiots call police asking ‘can I wash my horse?’ as Briton’s defy government’s warnings

Britons across the nation are continuing to flout social distancing guidelines as the country tries to control the surge in coronavirus cases which has now hit 41,903. With temperatures set to soar to 20C in parts of the UK today, police fear that thousands more will flock to the country’s sun-soaked parks and beaches and … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Government’s testing shambles continues

Ministers were accused of ‘complacency’ and snubbing offers of help from labs today as Boris Johnson struggles to get a grip on the UK’s coronavirus testing shambles.  The government is desperately trying to ramp up the number of checks carried out, with warnings that 85 per cent of self-isolating NHS staff might be off unnecessarily … Read more

Tory aide and social media guru are masterminding the government’s NHS messaging

The man who mapped out the Conservative Party’s recent thumping election victory has been brought in to encourage Britons to stay indoors as many continue to flout the rules.  He is little known outside Westminster, but 36-year-old Australian Isaac Levido has been central to the government’s communications strategy and its central slogan: Stay at Home, Protect … Read more