Tycoon Sanjeev Gupta asks Government for £170million of taxpayers’ cash

Tycoon Sanjeev Gupta has asked the Government for a £170million emergency bailout to save Liberty Steel – as his wife begins a revamp of their lavish London mansion.      The firm is understood to have appealed to the Government for financial support after its main backer, Greensill Capital, went bust earlier this month. Mr Gupta, whose GFG Alliance owns … Read more

Tycoon Sanjeev Gupta asks Government for £170million of taxpayers’ cash

Tycoon Sanjeev Gupta has asked the Government for a £170million emergency bailout to save Liberty Steel – as his wife begins a revamp of their lavish London mansion.      The firm is understood to have appealed to the Government for financial support after its main backer, Greensill Capital, went bust earlier this month. Mr Gupta, whose GFG Alliance owns … Read more

GUY ADAMS: Why did David Cameron risk ignominy to lobby government?

There has always been an ugly whiff around David Cameron’s decision to be a headline act at ‘Davos in the Desert’, an investment summit in Saudi Arabia in 2019. The former prime minister’s presence was, after all, a timely PR coup for the oil-rich Islamic theocracy, which was in the diplomatic deep freeze following the … Read more

Government says it’s up to the courts to fix disabled Child Trust Fund lock out

Hopes the Government would provide a simpler workaround to the courts for the parents of disabled children locked out of their Child Trust Funds appear to have been dashed after ministers said it was up to the judiciary to make the process easier. Justice minister Lord Wolfson told peers in the House of Lords on … Read more

Contaminated blood scandal: Victims of welcome government decision to increase financial support

Victims of the contaminated blood scandal have welcomed the government’s decision to increase payments after a 40 year-long battle for justice.   The Government has announced it is resolving disparities in financial support between England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as well as addressing broader issues, such as support for bereaved partners. The contaminated blood scandal … Read more

Government told to introduce alcolocks ‘as soon as possible’ to cut road deaths

The Government has been advised to introduce mandatory alcohol interlock systems – also known as ‘alcolocks’ – to cars used by former drink drivers that will only allow them to start the engine if they provide a breath sample showing they are fit to be behind the wheel. Ministers should develop and implement the devices … Read more

Goods bound for Britain may be delayed by Suez Canal blockage, government warns

Downing Street is warning of possible delays to items bound for the UK because of the stuck ship blocking the Suez Canal.  Crews are frantically trying to dislodge the cargo carrier Ever Given – and the success or failure of the operation will have ramifications for British shoppers.   Boris Johnson’s official spokesperson said today: ‘We are … Read more

Covid cases are ONLY going up in school-age children, Government data reveals

Covid cases are ONLY going up in children: Official data shows slight uptick in infections in youngsters… but only because of mass testing drive to reopen schools EXCLUSIVE: Schools opening has not yet resulted in more adults being infected, according to experts Millions of Covid lateral flow rapid tests have been carried out since schools … Read more

Car makers call on the Government to boost consumer uptake of EVs

Car makers today demanded much greater support from the Government to help consumers buy electric vehicles if ministers’ ambitious ‘electric dreams’ are to become a reality. Rule makers must ‘put ordinary drivers at the heart of policy and planning’ if they are to win consumers’ ‘hearts and minds’, they said. Electric cars are still too … Read more

CTFs: Government faces another grilling over disabled children lock out

The Government faces yet another grilling in Parliament over attempts to help as many as 200,000 disabled children locked out of their own savings, amid widespread concern little progress is being made. Former Tory cabinet minister Lord Young on Thursday will again ask ministers what the Government is doing to help children gain access to … Read more