STEPHEN GLOVER: Why has Michael Gove turned into such a zealot for lockdowns?

Michael Gove is to the Tory Party what Mikhail Suslov was to the Soviet Communist Party in the 1960s and 1970s. Chief ideologue and brainbox. But whereas Suslov was a hardliner and extreme authoritarian, Mr Gove was, until recently, seen as a social liberal and libertarian. One did not associate him with the expansion of … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: We are being softened up for draconian new curbs

Rishi Sunak delivered a formidable speech in the Commons yesterday. The Chancellor’s calm manner and mastery of detail filled me with confidence. His message was that, although Britain is in an ‘economic emergency’, the Government is prepared to spend lots of money we don’t have in order to get us out of it. Better times … Read more

NASA astronaut Victor Glover shares his first video from SPACE

NASA astronaut Victor Glover shared his first video from space as he and three other astronauts soared above the Earth while traveling to the International Space Station. Glover is part of the Crew-1 mission that launched aboard the SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule, nicknamed ‘Dragon Resilience,’ on November 15. This is Glover’s first trip to space … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Attacking awkward truths is a sinister sign of weakness 

Someone as wild as Donald Trump seems to have been installed at the Department of Health and Social Care. On Saturday evening this character tweeted an attack on a piece which appeared in that day’s Daily Mail.  The article had cited numerous statistics which suggested that the effects of Covid-19 are less uniformly destructive than … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Now we know. It’s Boris Johnson and his gang against the world

Sometimes it’s hard not to feel sorry for Boris Johnson. The gods really do seem to have it in for him. No sooner does he sack two infamous male bullies – advisers Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain – than along comes an official report declaring that Home Secretary Priti Patel is also a bully. Most … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Why IS Boris Johnson launching a grand green plan in the midst of a crisis?

Most people’s stress levels are pretty high at the moment. Some are worried about catching Covid-19. Others fear for their jobs. The uncertainties of Brexit are hovering over us. We don’t even know for sure whether we will be able to celebrate Christmas this year, though last night there were indications that households may be … Read more

NASA’s Victor Glover becomes the first black astronaut to call the Internal Space Station home

Four astronauts arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) Monday evening, but one of them has made history following the 27 hour journey. NASA astronaut Victor Glover is the first black person to live on the orbiting lab for an extended stay – he will call the massive ship home for the next six months. … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Boris Johnson has already had Covid-19. So why make him a prisoner of Zoom? 

Boris Johnson’s guardian angel is evidently a happy-go-lucky character who doesn’t take the job of keeping a protective eye on the Prime Minister very seriously. At the end of March he caught Covid-19, and might have died from it. Now he has managed to hobnob with an infected backbench Tory MP, and so has plunged … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Dominic Cummings won Brexit and a majority but he was a bully who flouted lockdown

How are the mighty fallen! Carrying a cardboard box of old junk out of the front door of No 10, a disconsolate and humiliated Dominic Cummings last night bade farewell to power for ever. The question the nation should be asking itself this morning is whether the sudden demise of the man, until yesterday the … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Boris Johnson has got this one (Covid) shot to show he’s up to the job 

Sir John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University, says there is a ‘70 to 80 per cent chance’ of vaccinating all vulnerable groups by Easter, ‘provided they don’t screw up the distribution of the vaccine’. By ‘they’ I presume Sir John principally means Boris Johnson and Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who between them … Read more