Daughter, 29, avoids jail for glassing her own mother in the face

Daughter, 29, avoids jail for glassing her own mother in the face during drunken row after drinking Tequlia Sunrise and Stella Artois on all-day pub crawl Jade Rhodes, 29, glassed her mother Joanne after a day drinking Stella Artois Was given a suspended sentence weeks earlier for attacking emergency worker Her mother suffered a black eye, … Read more

Man jailed for four years after glassing woman who rejected him

Thug is jailed for more than four years after striking carer in the face with a full beer bottle leaving her with horrific head wound after she turned down his advances at a funeral WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Jamie Simpson attacked Yavana Dix with a glass bottle at a wake in December Ms Dix needed six … Read more

Worcester mother, 29, walks free from court despite glassing her boyfriend and severing his earlobe

Sophie Ellis (pictured), 29, twice smashed a pint glass over the head of Jamie Marshman A ‘psycho’ mother who glassed her boyfriend in a pub and severed his earlobe has been spared jail. Sophie Ellis, 29, twice smashed a pint glass over the head of Jamie Marshman while he stood at the crowded bar in … Read more