NHS doctors to give Covid patients statins and blood pressure drugs

NHS doctors to give Covid patients statins and blood pressure drugs in hope they will prove to save lives as part of new trial Participants will be given apixaban – or Elquis – typically used to stop blood clots Or the cholesterol busting drug atrovastatin – sold over the counter for £12 Researchers are aiming … Read more

Married At First Sight’s Cameron Merchant encourages fans to not give up in touching post

He made a cringe-inducing debut on Tik-Tok with wife Jules Robinson earlier this month. But Cameron Merchant, 37, showed he’s far more adept at Instagram by sharing a powerful message of hope with his nearly half a million followers on Thursday. ‘You only win tomorrow if you don’t give up today,’ began the former Married … Read more

Foodies’ meals slammed as ‘vile’ after they give food ‘creepy’ faces

Social media has sparked countless food trends, and one that’s particularly popular with inventive chefs is turning dishes into cute scenes and characters – particularly to tempt young fussy eaters.  But while these elabroate creations might look fabulous on Instagram and Pinterest, some amateur cooks have created plates that look ‘creepy and vile’ after attempting … Read more

ASK TONY: Will we face a nasty tax bill if we give our girl a house?

My daughter’s family have lived for 17 years in a house my wife and I bought. It cost £156,000 and is registered in our names.  We have never charged rent and never lived there. We’d now like to give them the house. We’ve made no money from the purchase, even though the house has risen … Read more

Ian Blackford accuses Sky presenter of boasting he was going give him ‘a kicking’ over Sturgeon woes

SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford accuses Sky presenter of boasting he was going give him ‘a kicking’ before he came on air as he flounders in cringeworthy interview when asked if he believes his boss Nicola Sturgeon misled Holyrood Blackford made the claim to  astonished Sky News presenter Niall Paterson  It came as he tried … Read more

Britons give glimpse of pre-lockdown life with #LastNormalPhoto images

Going to a music concert or a sports event and being sat or stood close to thousands of strangers used to be normal life for most of us. Even going to a restaurant with a few close friends was also something we took for granted – but that all changed in March 2020 when Britain … Read more

If Scottish police come knocking, I’ll give them a cup of tea but no more, says DAVID DAVIS

In Scotland this week, we should see the climax of an extraordinary political storm with serious implications for transparency and democracy in these islands. We cannot predict how events will unfold. But we know how they should. To put an end to her long and destructive row with Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon should tender her resignation … Read more

Junior Isas: How to save for a child to give them a bumper pot of cash

A combination of the new £9,000 tax-free allowance and lockdowns leaving some parents with more money has led to a spike in Junior Isa savings over the last year. DIY investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown, which runs around a third of all investment Jisas, said more had been opened and more money paid in in the … Read more

Police give grandmother, 82, a warning after she enjoyed a cup of TEA with a neighbour

Police give grandmother, 82, a warning after she enjoyed a cup of TEA with a neighbour in their shared garden during lockdown 82-year-old woman warned by police over socially distanced tea with neighbour Gloucester Police officers arrived to speak with her when she was tucked in bed She was reported for drinking tea outside  with … Read more

A Lifetime Isa could give your savings a boost but beware the traps 

The tax-free account that pays extra £1,000 every year: A Lifetime Isa could give your home or retirement savings a boost but beware the traps By Sylvia Morris For The Daily Mail Published: 10:45 GMT, 18 March 2021 | Updated: 12:24 GMT, 18 March 2021 If you are saving for your first home or retirement, … Read more