LORD BLUNKETT: I still fear the power of zealots who tolerated antisemitism

The long goodbye is over. Jeremy Corbyn’s exit spells the end of the power exercised by the very small clique around him. But it does not spell the end of a much wider group who still control the party’s machinery and decision-making processes. Proclamations of unity and outbreaks of sweetness and light are, to say the … Read more

DR MAX PEMBERTON: It’s the forgotten victims I fear for most

Fear for the future? A general feeling of helplessness? Frustration at our loss of freedom? A sense of disorientation at just how fast life has changed as millions of us adapt to working from home, to queuing to get into the supermarket, and seeing family and friends only on video?  No doubt all of the … Read more

Staff at The Range in Bristol fear firm’s warehouse is a coronavirus risk

Warehouse workers say they are being forced to mingle closely with colleagues and flout social distancing rules – putting them at risk of catching and spreading coronavirus. Staff at The Range’s regional distribution centre at Avonmouth in Bristol have raised concerns after an image emerged of a number of employees congregated together in a narrow … Read more

‘Fear’ is the most widespread emotion on social media due to coronavirus

‘Fear’ is the most widespread emotion on social media for the fourth day in a row as coronavirus continues to spread around the world, study shows Researchers track the types of emotions by studying the words of Twitter posts  They have analysed the ‘natural language’ and sentiment used in the tweets  More than 65,000 tweets were … Read more

Health chiefs fear sunny weather will see public flouting coronavirus lockdown rules this weekend

Health chiefs today urged locked-down Britons to continue staying at home to help fight the coronavirus pandemic this weekend as a mini-heatwave is due to sweep the country. Large parts of the UK will enjoy ‘a good deal of sunshine’ on Saturday, with the weather ‘feeling warmer than recently’, according to the Met Office. Sunday … Read more

Why I fear the toxic legacy of teaching children at home

There are many drastic changes being made to our lives as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.  But what few people appreciate is that Britain has embarked on one of the greatest educational and social experiments in our history. In any normal year, schools would reconvene in two weeks’ time after the Easter holidays for … Read more

Amazon workers at two distribution plants fear the bug will thrive there

Amazon warehouses ‘are prime sites for coronavirus’: Workers at two distribution plants fear the bug will thrive there because of a lack of hand sanitisers and non-enforcement of social distancing among staff Amazon’s business is booming as shop closures have seen orders surge online But a worker in Doncaster said lack of space means they … Read more

Pepe Reina reveals he was in ‘endless minutes of fear’ after contracting coronavirus

2020 OLYMPIC GAMES   The 2020 Olympic Games has been postponed until 2021 on March 24 – becoming one of the last major sporting events this summer to fall victim to the coronavirus. Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe held a crucial conference call with Olympics chief Thomas Bach on Tuesday to formally decide a plan and … Read more

Sophia Myles discusses her ‘fear of being abandoned’ after father died from coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Michael Gove coughs his way through TV interviews as some viewers fear for his health

Get tested Michael! Gove coughs his way through TV interviews as some viewers fear for his health while others claim he is putting it on Michael Gove was interviewed on Andrew Marr’s TV show on Sunday morning But the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster had to stifle a cough throughout His aides have since … Read more