TONY HETHERINGTON: ‘Please help…we just want to stop living in fear of Scottish Power’

Tony Hetherington is Financial Mail on Sunday’s ace investigator, fighting readers corners, revealing the truth that lies behind closed doors and winning victories for those who have been left out-of-pocket. Find out how to contact him below.  S.B. writes: My account with Scottish Power has been under review by the energy supplier for more than … Read more

Swimming nose-to-nose with your greatest fear

MEMOIR WE SWIM TO THE SHARK   by Georgie Codd (Fleet £14.99, 336pp)  I happen to be married to an ichthyophobe, so I’m familiar with the condition. Unable to bear even the sight of a goldfish, my husband avoids looking into ponds. His summer-lunch nemesis would be a whole garnished poached salmon with its head still … Read more

Crime by Traveller sites is up to DOUBLE the UK average as police say they fear being called racist

Crime near traveller sites is around 50 per cent higher than the national average while police are frustrated at not being able to tackle it effectively. An investigation by Channel 4 Dispatches has found that the crime rate in some traveller sites was substantially higher than the UK average.  The show claims the average crime … Read more

Have we gone too far? I fear lockdown is also harming the nation’s health, writes Dr MAX PEMBERTON

Whisper it… but could it be we have gone too far? That is the alarming question my colleagues and I are beginning to ask, firstly of ourselves and then, cautiously, of each other. In our understandable but frenzied drive to ‘Save the NHS’ from the scourge of coronavirus, are we inflicting long-term damage on millions … Read more

Fury over elderly who are doomed to die: Charities fear rules on state care home residents

Fears have been raised that care home residents who are seriously ill with coronavirus are being kept away from hospital after national guidelines suggested they should only be admitted if ‘appropriate’.  The advice, in two separate sets of guidance, says care home managers should consider whether being sent to hospital is ‘the best course of … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Teachers fear over plans to reopen schools

Largest teaching union demands clarity from government on ‘disturbing’ plans to reopen schools amid warnings pupils could be put at risk if lockdown is eased too soon Teachers have warned that proposals to reopen schools soon are ‘disturbing’  Union demands to see the government’s evidence on impact of such a move  Ministers insist schools will … Read more

Growing fear you can catch Covid-19 more than once

For those who have already been infected with Covid-19, the idea of having an immunity certificate to allow a return to normal life sounds like an attractive prospect. The proposal, put forward by Health Secretary Matt Hancock earlier this month, is based on the theory that having the virus and beating it means we have … Read more

More than 200,000 people with dementia living in UK care homes fear being left to coronavirus death

Abandoned to the virus: More than 200,000 people with dementia are living in UK care homes… and many fear they have been condemned to death Thousands of Alzheimer’s sufferers in the UK have been left vulnerable Many fear they have been left to death across Britain’s many care homes Alzheimer’s Society said at least half … Read more

TOM TUGENDHAT: ‘Beijing uses a toxic brew of lies and fear to maintain power’

Scientists have long warned that China’s live food markets are a breeding ground for disease, epidemics and pandemics – spreading infection from animals to people.  These public abattoirs were behind the SARS outbreak in 2002 and have now produced Covid-19. Yet the Beijing government has done nothing to abolish these ‘wet’ markets that threaten so … Read more

NHS A&E visits plummet by HALF in March as ‘people fear they will catch coronavirus in hospitals’

The number of people going to A&E departments in the UK has plummeted by almost half in just a month as the NHS grapples with the coronavirus crisis. Statistics from around 50 hospitals show the number of emergency visits fell 43 per cent – from 104,251 to just 58,447 – in the last week of … Read more