Government is braced for Extinction Rebellion CYBER ATTACK over the weekend

Government is braced for Extinction Rebellion CYBER ATTACK over the weekend as climate change activists restart campaign after coronavirus lockdown Parliamentary committee officials warned social media channels may be target Extinction Rebellion is restarting its disruption campaign this weekend  Police arrested two climate activists today at oil firm Shell’s main London office By David Wilcock, Whitehall … Read more

Extinction Rebellion plans bank holiday weekend of protests

Extinction Rebellion has called on activists to ‘flood the streets’ of Britain in a series of mass-gatherings despite the risk of spreading Covid – as it plans a weekend of Bank Holiday mayhem targeting airports and cities. A four-day ‘regional rebellion’ from tomorrow until Bank Holiday Monday will see protests across the UK, including in … Read more

Extinction Rebellion drops extreme claims from climate change film narrated by Keira Knightley

Extinction Rebellion drops extreme claims from climate change film narrated by Keira Knightley after admitting they couldn’t be backed with evidence Climate Crisis and Why We Should Panic was produced by Serena Schellenberg Ms Schellenberg has deleted two apocalyptic claims from the closing minutes Previously said ‘climate breakdown is already killing 400,000 people every year’ Claimed … Read more

Extinction Rebellion protests world’s largest residential ship

Extinction Rebellion has targeted the largest private residential ship on the planet left to mothball off the British coast. A new offshoot of the environmental group, Ocean Rebellion, led a protest against The World residential ship in Falmouth, Cornwall.  The group claims the ship ’emits ten times more greenhouse gases per person per mile than a … Read more

Mass extinction 359 million years ago may have been caused by supernovae

Exploding stars — or ‘supernovae’ — a mere 65 light years from Earth may have triggered the devastating mass extinction event around 359 million years ago. The Late Devonian extinction saw vanish 50 per cent of all genera — groups of species — and 19 per cent of all families, the next largest grouping on … Read more

Extinction Rebellion protesters pour fake blood on steps at Trafalgar Square

Extinction Rebellion protesters have doused the steps at Trafalgar Square in fake blood to stand in solidarity with indigenous people dying of Covid-19 in Brazil. The group – also known as XR – dyed London’s iconic fountains bright yellow and red using food dye in their protest to mark International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. … Read more

Red kites soar back from the brink of extinction

Red kites soar back from the brink of extinction after project dubbed the ‘biggest species success story in British conservation history’ The majestic large birds of prey were common scavengers in medieval London But the birds’ fortunes declined in the face of persecution and also egg thefts  Thirty years ago conservationists decided to return some … Read more

European hamster now ‘critically endangered’ and one step away from extinction, experts warn

The European hamster is now ‘critically endangered’ and is just one step away from extinction, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has warned. Once abundant across Europe and Russia, populations of the European hamster — Cricetus cricetus — have declined as a result of lowered reproduction rates. While female hamsters in the wild give … Read more

Scientists confirm first marine fish extinction of modern times

Scientists have made a depressing discovery – the first marine fish of modern times has been declared extinct. The smooth handfish has officially been wiped from the south-eastern Australian waters due to habitat decline, pollution and destructive fishing practices. The bottom-dweller was one of 14 species of handfish, which use highly modified pectoral fins to … Read more

Beavers are born in Essex for the first time since the Middle Ages after years of extinction

Pictured: The first Beavers born in Essex since the Middle Ages when they were hunted to extinction Two beavers have been born in Essex for the first time since the Middle Ages Pair Woody and Willow were brought in as  part of a reducing flood risk project Their two baby beavers’ names will be picked … Read more