Prince Harry landed work in US with visa for people with ‘extraordinary ability’, experts claim

Prince Harry landed work in US after being given special visa for people with ‘extraordinary ability’, experts claim The Duke of Sussex now has two jobs and TV and radio projects in the US  As a British citizen, Harry was not automatically entitled to seek employment He could have obtained an O-1 visa for people … Read more

Foreign holidays could trigger ANOTHER UK-wide lockdown, experts warn

Foreign holidays could trigger another lockdown because they risk bringing back vaccine-dodging coronavirus variants, experts warn.  Boris Johnson has promised his ‘roadmap’ will end the crippling restrictions ‘once and for all’, as Britain marks a year since life as we knew it ground to a halt. But SAGE scientists say trips abroad this summer could … Read more

Common steroid has saved the lives of 1.4m Covid patients around the world, experts reveal 

Common steroid has saved the lives of 1.4m Covid patients around the world, experts reveal A common steroid which costs around 50p a day can cut Covid deaths by a third The drug was made available to patients on English hospital wards last June  Steroid cuts death rates and hospital stays when combined with an … Read more

New Covid test could HALVE the time it takes to identify mutant strains, experts say 

New Covid test that spots variants faster could HALVE the time it takes to identify mutant strains, experts say New variant test will soon be testing every Covid positive sample for mutations Genotype assay testing could halve the time it takes to spot virus mutations  The new system is currently being trialled in NHS Test … Read more

Meteor experts argue over where cosmic rock spotted over Britain could have landed

Scientists are trying to determine where meteor fragments has landed after the small bolide soared through the sky in south west England yesterday afternoon. The International Meteor Organisation have said they received reports, mostly from France, which suggest the meteor may have crash landed in the English Channel. Meanwhile meteor experts in the UK believe … Read more

Ramping up wind power off British coast will cause loss of marine life, experts warn 

Ocean life is at risk from turbines: Ramping up wind power off British coast will cause loss of marine life by ‘urbanising the sea’, experts warn Building large numbers of turbines will require concrete foundations in seabed  There are fears it will affect species like porpoises who are disturbed by drilling Sand eels will even … Read more

Experts urge more Americans to get shots amid fears of another COVID spike

Public health experts say the U.S. is currently in a race between vaccinating the population against the coronavirus and a surge in cases following spring break. On Wednesday, the U.S. recorded 58,480 new infections, a 16 percent drop over the last month, and 1,173 deaths.     However, over the last week or so, seven-day rolling averages … Read more

French experts spot ‘Breton’ Covid variant which ‘may fully evade tests’

French experts spot ‘Breton’ Covid variant which ‘may fully evade tests’ – but say mutant strain is no deadlier or more transmissible than original virus Eight cases of the ‘Breton’ strain were detected in a hospital in region of Brittany Despite being infected with virus, the patients’ PCR test results were negative Thought to be … Read more

Experts fear that daily cases plateauing and variants in every state could lead to another surge

Weekly totals of coronavirus cases and deaths in the United States are continuing to slowly decline, but experts worry that plateauing figures, and the emergence of variants, could undo the progress the country has made. Over the last seven days, the nation has reported 381,549 new infections, marking the fourth day in a row weekly … Read more

Health experts say US ‘fooled’ into relaxing restrictions as weekly infections fall below 400,000

Coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths may be falling one year into the pandemic, but public health experts are warning not to relax precautions just yet. On Thursday, the U.S. recorded 48,223 new infections with a seven-day rolling average of 54,840, which is the lowest figure seen since October 15, according to a analysis of … Read more