Britain could start to lift drastic social restriction measures by summer, expert claims

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

China’s top coronavirus expert says ‘herd immunity’ WILL NOT curb the pandemic

China’s top coronavirus expert has warned that ‘herd immunity’ will not contain the global pandemic because the disease is highly infectious and lethal.  The Chinese senior medical adviser rebuked UK’s approach to allow citizens to catch the virus to build up a national tolerance strong enough to stop the virus circulating. ‘Herd immunity won’t solve … Read more

Cleaning expert reveals the top tips to protect your home from coronavirus

How to clean your home during the coronavirus pandemic: Expert reveals why you should scrub before you spray, put sponges in the washing machine and wipe the kettle daily Cleaning expert shares the steps everyone can take to keep their home sparkling She recommended always cleaning before sanitising a surface or countertop  Added that sponges should … Read more

Prince Harry ‘stands by’ what he said in prank phone calls but felt ‘violated’, royal expert claims

The Duke of Sussex ‘stands by’ what he said in phone calls with Russian pranksters but felt ‘violated’ by the ‘malicious’ experience, royal experts have claimed.   Speaking on the Heirpod podcast with ABC Foreign Correspondent Maggie Rulli, royal expert Omid Scobie revealed Prince Harry, 35, ‘wasn’t so concerned about what was said on the call’ … Read more

Caprice gets into FURIOUS row with medical expert over coronavirus on Jeremy Vine Show

Caprice Bourret found herself at loggerheads with a medical expert during an appearance on the Jeremy Vine Show on Monday, as they discussed coronavirus. The erstwhile Dancing On Ice contestant, 48, was seen debating with Dr. Sarah Jarvis on how best to curtail the pandemic’s growth when she insisted the UK should be following Taiwan and … Read more

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘fearful’ of their future outside Royal Family, expert claims

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are ‘fearful’ of their future and their new post-Megxit life will ‘take some getting used to’, royal expert claims Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 38, have officially completed royal duties Royal expert said for them to leave all behind will likely leave ‘a sense of fear’ Added Harry giving … Read more

Prince Andrew’s new PR expert helped to Saudi Arabia’s image following global outrage

Prince Andrew’s new PR expert helped to Saudi Arabia’s image following global outrage over air strikes that killed thousands of Yemeni civilians  Mark Gallagher nicknamed the ‘backroom fixer’ is an expert in handling crises  His role will be to rebuild the prince’s reputation following the Epstein scandal  A source told PR Week: ‘He… has no doubt … Read more

Expert chocolatier explains why we should SMELL the sweet treat before eating it

You’ve been eating chocolate all wrong! Expert tips for making your next treat taste even better – including letting it melt in your mouth and NEVER storing it in the fridge Consultant Sarah Hartnett explained most people don’t eat chocolate correctly Expert said many people eat too big a bite, chew it, and don’t let … Read more

White House coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci says crisis could last up to eight weeks

In a series of interviews with Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, Fauci gave his bleak assessment of what is still to come White House coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Friday morning that the current state of crisis in the US would last for two months and that ‘it’s all on the … Read more

Expert warns UK might not change behaviour until coronavirus death toll is ‘very big’

The UK’s coronavirus epidemic could spiral out of control if people wait for the death toll to rise before changing their behaviour, a leading scientist has warned. Professor Graham Medley, a disease expert at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said people risk making the outbreak worse by refusing to take it seriously … Read more