WHO backs Beijing’s claim there’s ‘no evidence’ of Covid in China before December

WHO investigators BACK Beijing’s claim there’s ‘no evidence’ Covid was transmitted ‘before December in Wuhan or elsewhere’ as China tries to pin the blame on imported frozen meats By Chris Pleasance for MailOnline Published: 10:44 GMT, 9 February 2021 | Updated: 10:45 GMT, 9 February 2021 WHO scientists researching the origins of Covid in China … Read more

RICHARD KAY: A conspiracy? On this evidence, it’s hardly compelling 

For years, guessing how rich the Queen is has been a popular – if exasperating – parlour game.  On the one hand, she is famously frugal, keeping warm with a £30 electric heater and sticking to for decades the same brand of £7.99 nail varnish. On the other, fabulously wealthy, with a portfolio that spans works … Read more

NASA’s Hubble spacecraft discovers evidence of a weather system on nearby ‘Hot Jupiter’

NASA’s Hubble spacecraft discovers evidence of a WEATHER system on nearby ‘Hot Jupiter’ exoplanet – despite blistering surface temperatures of 2,192°F Researchers examined images of WASP-31b taken by the Hubble telescope  WASP-31b is an extremely hot ‘puffy planet’ 1,305 light years away from Earth  It is tidally locked, with one side facing the star and the … Read more

Cops search Alexei Navalny’s flat for Covid rules-violation evidence

Russian police are searching the properties of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny today for evidence he breached coronavirus rules by calling for nationwide protests demanding his freedom.    Navalny, 44, was arrested on return to Russia following months of treatment for novichok poisoning in Berlin, which he maintains was an assassination attempt ordered by President Vladimir … Read more

Cops search for evidence that Alexei Navalny violated coronavirus rules by calling for a rally

Russian police are searching the properties of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny today for evidence he breached coronavirus rules by calling for nationwide protests demanding his freedom.    Navalny, 44, was arrested on return to Russia following months of treatment for novichok poisoning in Berlin, which he maintains was an assassination attempt ordered by President Vladimir … Read more

Researchers see little evidence in-person school drives COVID-19 cases

CDC researchers find ‘little evidence’ of schools contributing to spread of COVID – indicating in-person classes will be safe if precautions are taken Studies in the US found little evidence schools were spreading COVID-19 This shows a ‘path forward’ to in-person classes, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Tuesday … Read more

Alex Salmond Inquiry orders key evidence from SNP officials are released in unprecedented move

Alex Salmond Inquiry orders key evidence including WhatsApp messages from SNP officials are released in unprecedented move Linda Fabiani wrote to former first minister after he refused to come to Holyrood He was needed to speak on February 2 but citing health concerns over Covid-19 It comes as MSPs issued notice to Crown Office calling … Read more

Trump impeachment defense in crisis with Giuliani named in evidence and Dershowitz ruled out

Wednesday’s House vote to impeach President Trump has teed up a Senate trial where President Donald Trump will once again decide on a team to represent him – this time on a charge of ‘incitement of insurrection.’ Sources have already said Trump may turn to lawyer Rudy Giuliani as he battles impeachment a second time, … Read more

EDWARD LUCAS: The evidence points to a Covid-19 cover-up… but the truth can’t be hidden for ever

Secrets, lies and thuggery are the hallmark of the Chinese Communist regime. And in the mystery of the devastating Wuhan virus, all three are combined. The strongest evidence of a crime is a cover-up. And the Chinese authorities have provided that. They have fought ferociously to prevent an international inquiry into the pandemic’s origins. Their … Read more

Sen. Mark Warner urges Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to preserve posts as Capitol riot evidence

Democratic congressman Sen. Mark Warner is asking Facebook and other Big Tech social media and telecom companies to save digital evidence from Wednesday’s deadly Capitol riot.  On Saturday, Warner, the incoming Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, tweeted out a letter he’d sent Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.   ‘After Wednesday’s insurrectionist attack on our nation’s Capitol, … Read more