UK migrant crisis: Priti Patel’s ultimatum to French officials

Priti Patel will today demand French co-operation in a massive new ‘blockade’ of the Channel to crack down on the migrant crisis. The Home Secretary will refuse to hand over any more taxpayers’ money to fund operations on French soil unless Emmanuel Macron’s government steps up action on illegal crossings. The French will also be expected … Read more

Emmanuel Macron is accused of trying to reconquer Lebanon rather than help it

French president Emmanuel Macron has been accused of trying to reconquer Lebanon rather than help it in the wake of the devastating explosion at its capital which killed 150 people.  It comes as the country is expected to refuse humanitarian aid from Israel because the two neighbours are technically still at war.  Visiting explosion-ravaged Beirut this … Read more

Nicolas Sarkozy: The Queen left me shaking with fear

The Queen left me shaking with fear: Teetotal Nicolas Sarkozy reveals in autobiography he nervously downed a glass of gin – believing it was water – to ease his dry throat ahead of meeting monarch at Windsor state dinner Sarkozy describes Queen as ‘the iron lady, more even than Margaret Thatcher’ He said it was … Read more

Fury at the EU summit as leaders discuss Europe’s possible £680 billion Covid rescue fund

EU leaders have agreed a £680billion Covid-19 rescue deal for the bloc after talks where Emmanuel Macron is said to have bashed the table and hit out at Austrian premier Sebastian Kurz for leaving the room to make a telephone call.  The summit is viewed as one of the longest and most ill-tempered in the EU’s history, stretching … Read more

Ministers told UK was on brink of running out of food after Macron warned he would close borders

Macron ‘forced Boris’s hand on lockdown’ by threatening to close border and ministers were told Britain was on brink of running out of food Matt Hancock was told at start of crisis UK’s food supply chain about to ‘fall over’ Macron warned to act now or France will close borders – 3 days before lockdown … Read more

EU leaders will meet again today to try to save €1.9trillion budget and coronavirus recovery fund

European leaders are preparing to battle ‘very very large’ disagreements this morning as they try to save a €1.9trillion EU budget, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  The marathon of talks will continue from 11am today after the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte dug his heels in on Friday over a plan to help struggling … Read more

Masks could soon become compulsory in France, Macron says

Face masks could soon become compulsory in France, Emmanuel Macron has said. The French president used a Bastille Day speech to come out in favour of a law that would compel people to wear face coverings indoors – such as in shops and bars. Macron said he would like the law to come into effect … Read more

French PM Edouard Philippe resigns as Emmanuel Macron prepares reshuffle

French PM Edouard Philippe resigns as Emmanuel Macron prepares reshuffle after he suffered drubbing at hands of Green party in local elections Emmanuel Macron has said he wants to ‘reinvent presidency’ in the next months  Will start with a cabinet reshuffle following local election defeat last month Prime Minister Edouard Philippe resigned to allow the … Read more

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron meet, six feet apart

France and Germany aren’t quite as close as they used to be! Angela Merkel gives Emmanuel Macron the red carpet treatment – from six feet away German Chancellor Merkel and French President met at Meseberg Castle today Pair seemed at ease as they kept two-metres apart amid the coronavirus crisis  Talks came ahead of Germany … Read more

Green wave batters Emmanuel Macron in local elections as his centrist party suffers humiliating loss

Green wave batters Emmanuel Macron in local elections as his centrist party suffers humiliating loss to socialist alliance with eco warriors Alliance between eco candidates and left-wingers proved dominant tonight Among them was Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo who won another six year term  Macron’s candidate for the mayoralty had just a 16 percent share of … Read more