NIH panel says not enough data showing plasma therapy is effective at treating coronavirus

US health officials divided over plasma treatment for COVID-19: NIH panel says the newly FDA-approved treatment touted by Trump makes ‘no difference’ to coronavirus survival odds Convalescent plasma therapy is when the liquid portion of blood is taken from a recovered coronavirus patient It is transferred into a sick patient in hopes they will develop … Read more

Councils send just ONE litter fine per week as campaigners call for more ‘effective’ deterrent

Councils send just ONE litter fine per week: Clean-up campaigners call for more ‘effective’ deterrent to stop people dropping rubbish on the streets as it emerges one in six local authorities issued no penalties in a YEAR Campaigners have called for the £150 on-the-spot fine to be raised to £1,000 Councils gave 116,000 fines for … Read more

Coronavirus vaccine may not be as effective in obese people, scientists warn

A coronavirus vaccine might not work as well in overweight people because their immune systems are weaker, scientists warn. Experts around the world are scrambling to develop a jab that could protect people from Covid-19 and allow life to return to normal, with efforts on track for next year. But now experts say obese people … Read more

Honey ‘beats antibiotics’ for curing colds: Study shows it’s more effective than medication

Honey ‘beats antibiotics’ for curing coughs or colds: New research shows the sweet goo is more effective than medication Oxford University experts said patients should have honey instead of antibiotics ‘Nectar of the Gods’ is filled with anti-microbial compounds put there by bees The study found it reduced the frequency of coughing by 36 per … Read more

Electric shock dog collars: Call for ban after study finds the are less effective than other methods

Using electric shock training collars on dogs doesn’t work to change behaviour, a new study found, claiming that ‘positive reinforcement’ is a better tool. Researchers from the University of Lincoln looked at the value of training dogs with and without remote electronic collars compared to positive reinforcement. More than 60 dogs with ‘off-lead behavioural problems’ … Read more

Yoga is more effective at reducing anxiety than traditional stress-management

People who suffer with anxiety should take up regular yoga to improve their symptoms, research suggests.  A study of 226 people suffering with generalised anxiety disorder took up either Kundalini yoga, a stress-management course or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Three months later, after weekly hour-long sessions, more than half (54 per cent) of those who practiced … Read more

Experts say a coronavirus vaccine may be less effective in obese adults

It’s already well-known that being overweight is a major risk factor for contracting the novel coronavirus. But some health experts fear that when a vaccine finally becomes available, it may not protect obese Americans as well as the general population..  Previous studies have found that inoculations for influenza and hepatitis B have been less effective in … Read more

Statins are not effective at cutting risk of dying from heart disease

Statins are not particularly effective at reducing the risk of dying from heart disease, a study claims. Scientists analysed 35 studies into the effects of the drugs which lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and found the pills have no consistent benefit. The research, published in the British Medical Journal, found three quarters of all trials reported … Read more

Lockdown was ‘less effective in BAME communities’, University of Leicester study finds

Lockdown measures imposed in late March to slow down the spread of coronavirus may not have been as effective in black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities because of the ‘one-size-fits-all approach’, scientists have said. Academics at the University of Leicester found that Covid-19 cases continued to rise in BAME groups in certain parts of … Read more

An N99 is the most effective at reducing risk of contracting coronavirus, study finds

We’ve all been told to wear face masks to reduce the spread of coronavirus, but it turns out the material your mask is made of may affect your risk, a new study suggests. An N99 mask, which filters out nearly all particles both large and small, reduced the odds of contracting COVID-19, the disease caused … Read more