Plague and climate change triggered an economic downturn in the Byzantine Empire 1,500 years ago

Plague and climate change triggered a severe economic downturn on the fringe of the Byzantine Empire 1,500 years ago, a study of ancient grape pips has revealed. Researchers from Israel examined thousands of grape pips and cereal grains, as well as ceramic sherds from waste heaps in the Negev left behind in the mid-6th Century. … Read more

Councillor blames a perfect storm of ‘cultural, health and economic factors’ for Leicester outbreak

A perfect storm of ‘cultural, health and economic factors’ including large BAME families living in small terraced houses and poor residents who have had to work through lockdown while taking public transport have made one Leicester borough the epicenter of the city’s coronavirus outbreaks its councillor has said. And he also pointed to busy mosques … Read more

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of fewer economic ties with EU

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of Boris Johnson’s decision to loosen economic ties with the EU as German leader hardens her Brexit stance Angela Merkel has hardened her stance on a UK-EU Brexit trade deal  Ex-UK PM Theresa May was keen on keeping close ties with the European Union … Read more

IMF says global economic carnage in coronavirus pandemic will be much worse than expected

The International Monetary Fund has laid out the unprecedented economic devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, sharply lowering its forecast for global growth this year. The IMF said on Wednesday that this ‘crisis like no other’ would send the global GDP plunging by 4.9 percent this year and wipe out an astonishing $12 trillion over two years.  … Read more

Ditch the two-metre rule now… or face economic disaster, writes Punch Taverns founder HUGH OSMOND 

When it was announced in March, the Government’s Job Retention Scheme was rightly hailed as an unprecedented and inspired policy to save British business. And yet, as the cost of furloughing more than quarter of the entire workforce passes £20billion, and with still no end in sight, I fear it could end up being the most … Read more

Scientist published a paper in 2010 predicting economic and social turmoil would peak in 2020

This year’s events may be a surprise to many Americans, but one scientist predicted predicted the current political, economic and social instability a decade ago. Peter Turchin, a researcher at the University of Connecticut, published a paper in 2010 forecasting that these instabilities would peak around the year 2020. He highlights a rise in public … Read more

MARKETS LIVE: Shares up after positive US economic data; Lookers to shut

MARKETS LIVE: Shares up after positive US economic data; Lookers to shut dealerships; Aston Martin to cut 500 jobs By This Is Money Published: 08:00 BST, 4 June 2020 | Updated: 08:14 BST, 4 June 2020 Markets rose today after Wall Street gained on surveys showing better US jobs and manufacturing conditions than expected. However, … Read more

Alex Brummer: Profoundly stupid act of economic vandalism 

Boris Johnson’s government has made many startling missteps as it has sought to manage the coronavirus pandemic. Some have been understandable; this is a new virus and the havoc wreaked, unprecedented. Others have been the result of incompetence or complacency. There is one ‘misstep’, however, that stands out as profoundly stupid.  That‘s the decision to … Read more

First of five Iranian tanker crosses into Venezuela’s economic zone

First of five Iranian tanker crosses into Venezuela’s economic zone to bring South American country gasoline as US decides NOT to intercept vessel The oil tanker Fortune was welcomed by Venezuelan officials who celebrated the growing relationship with Iran  Russ Dallen, head of Caracas Capital Markets, confirmed the ship’s location using tracing technology The Clavel, … Read more

Britain sees worse economic slump than Sweden after imposing lockdown

The UK is suffering far graver economic damage than Sweden after Britain imposed a lockdown and the Scandinavian country did not.  Britain’s GDP has already seen a larger slump than Sweden’s this year – with only one week of lockdown included in the figures so far. The UK’s construction and retail sectors both saw their … Read more