‘Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic!’ Donald Trump claims coronavirus was totally unforeseen

President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that ‘nobody’ knew there would be a pandemic and said he could not explain reports of a shortage of medical equipment – as an October government simulation was disclosed that foreshadowed some of the crises that have ensued with the coronavirus.  Trump was pressed repeatedly during a press briefing on the … Read more

Coronavirus US: Donald Trump says he’s a ‘wartime president’

Donald Trump says he’s a ‘wartime president’ as he uses special defense powers to ramp up medical equipment production to tackle ‘unseen enemy’ President Trump told reporters Wednesday that he considered himself a ‘wartime president’ taking on the ‘unseen enemy’ of the coronavirus  Trump was asked if he considered the country to be on ‘wartime … Read more

Coronavirus US: Donald Trump defensive about ‘Chinese virus’

President Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his claim he has ‘always’ treated the coronavirus seriously and then pivoted to complaining about last month’s impeachment inquiry, demanding to know ‘where’s the whistleblower.’ The president spent the morning tweeting on a variety of subjects, including his response to the coronavirus epidemic, opined on the Democratic … Read more

Donald Trump triples down on calling coronavirus ‘the Chinese virus’ 

President Donald Trump on Wednesday defended his use of the term ‘China virus’ to describe the coronavirus, saying ‘it’s not racist at all.’ The president, repeatedly this week, has talked about the ‘China virus,’ a moniker that has been called racist. China expelled journalists from three major American news outlet in the wake of Trump’s … Read more

Donald Trump wants checks for Americans IMMEDIATELY

Donald Trump wants to send cash to Americans suffering from the coronavirus crisis immediately he said at the White House Tuesday.    ‘The payroll tax holiday would get money to people over the next six to eight months. We’re looking to send checks to Americans immediately,’ explained Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in the press briefing room. ‘Americans … Read more

China blasts US President Donald Trump for calling coronavirus ‘the Chinese Virus’

Donald Trump doubled down Tuesday after China has lashed out at Washington for him calling the novel coronavirus ‘the Chinese Virus’. President Trump tweeted Monday: ‘The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus. We will be stronger than ever before!’ Early Tuesday Beijing … Read more

Donald Trump tells America to go on lockdown with 15 days to stop coronavirus

President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools.  ‘Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,’ the president said in the White House briefing room.  He … Read more

Coronavirus US: Testing measures aim to protect Donald Trump

Melania Trump ordered the annual Easter Egg Roll cancelled because of the coronavirus as the White House enacted new testing protocols to prevent the spread of the disease and keep it from getting to President Donald Trump and his team. All staff, Secret Service agents and members of the media had their temperature taken by … Read more

Donald Trump tries to pay German company creating experimental coronavirus vaccine to move to the US

German officials are trying to stop the Trump administration from luring German biopharmeceutical company CureVac to the US to get its experimental coronavirus vaccines exclusively for Americans.     President Donald Trump has offered funds to lure the company CureVac to the US. The German government has made counter-offers to make the company stay, according to a … Read more

Donald Trump’s UK travel ban piles pressure on BA as Virgin Atlantic demands £7.5billion bailout

Donald Trump’s UK travel ban piles pressure on beleaguered BA, which relies on £1billion-a-year transatlantic route, as Virgin Atlantic demands £7.5billion government bailout for the struggling airline industry BA’s CEO Alex Cruz told employees the airline was fighting for its survival Now Donald Trump’s travel ban will further impact the already struggling BA  Passengers are … Read more