Dominic Cummings’ wife described how he ‘collapsed and had spasms’

Dominic Cummings’ wife gave a detailed account of the family’s coronavirus ordeal – but failed to mention that they had broken lockdown to travel from London to Durham. Journalist Mary Wakefield revealed that No10 chief Mr Cummings, 48, spent 10 days bedridden after ‘collapsing’ and having ‘spasms’ with the disease at the end of March. … Read more

Boris Johnson is under intense pressure to sack Dominic Cummings

Dominic Cummings was fighting for his political life last night as pressure mounted on Boris Johnson to sack his chief adviser for flouting lockdown rules. Downing Street’s top aide travelled from London to his parents’ Durham farm in March to self-isolate with coronavirus symptoms – despite the government’s own restrictions banning non-essential journeys.   The bombshell revelations … Read more

Dominic Cummings is investigated by police for breaking coronavirus lockdown rules

Boris Johnson’s chief adviser Dominic Cummings was investigated by the police for flouting lockdown rules, it was revealed tonight. The Downing Street aide was probed after witnesses spotted him at his parents home in Durham, despite him isolating in London, according to the Mirror. Mr Cummings has himself been stricken by the disease, which he … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Names of 50 SAGE committee scientists revealed

The membership of the secretive committee which has been advising the Government on its handling of coronavirus was finally made public today. The names of those who sit on the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) had not previously been published on security and independence grounds. But this morning the Government bowed to mounting pressure and … Read more

Sage revealed: Names of 50 scientists advising the Government on coronavirus FINALLY made public

The membership of the secretive committee which has been advising the Government on its handling of coronavirus was finally made public today. The names of those who sit on the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) had not previously been published on security and independence grounds. But this morning the Government bowed to mounting pressure and … Read more

No10 chief Dominic Cummings ‘intervened at SAGE meeting’

No10 chief Dominic Cummings ‘intervened at SAGE meeting to push for experts to back lockdown’ Dominic Cummings ‘was more than a bystander at a meeting of SAGE experts’ Claims the PM’s top aide pushed scientists to back imposing lockdown sooner No10 has hit back at claims and said all advice provided by SAGE is impartial  … Read more

Who is ‘Lynn from Skipton’? The public ridicule No 10 for selecting soft question about hugging

Who is ‘Lynn from Skipton’? The public ridicule No 10 for selecting soft question about hugging from anonymous ‘member of the public’ at Downing Street press conference Lynn for Skipton was the first non-journalist given the chance to grill ministers  Question raised eyebrows as it indulged Matt Hancock to churn out core refrains Some joked … Read more

‘Partial’ list of SAGE membership WILL be published

‘Partial’ list of SAGE members WILL be published amid backlash at secrecy and complaints No10 chief Dominic Cummings attended meetings A ‘partial’ list of SAGE members will be issued shortly amid secrecy backlash No10 has dismissed concerns that Dominic Cummings attended some meetings Sir Patrick Vallance said names of all those who agree will be … Read more

Top Tories join calls to ban Dominic Cummings from coronavirus scientific briefings

Top Tories have joined calls to ban Dominic Cummings from coronavirus scientific briefings. The former Brexit secretary David Davis is among those pushing for Cummings and Ben Warner, an adviser who ran the Tories’ private election computer model, to be prevented from attending future meetings of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage).  Davis said that … Read more

Fury at Dominic Cummings’ wife using BBC Radio 4’s Thought For The Day

The wife of Prime Minster Boris Johnson’s chief advisor described her husband Dominic Cummings as ‘extremely kind’ during this morning’s Thought For The Day on BBC Radio 4.  Mary Wakefield, who is the commissioning editor of The Spectator spoke about their battle against Covid-19.  However, with her husband at the centre of the row about … Read more