Biden Inauguration: Pence arrives in display of split with Trump

Mike Pence is stepping in as Donald Trump snubbed nearly every tradition that comes with a transition of presidential power as he and second lady Karen Pence arrived at Joe Biden’s inauguration Wednesday. Trump’s No. 2 did not meet with the outgoing president on inauguration morning, reports revealed. The fallout between Pence and Trump reached … Read more

Biden charters plane to DC after Trump REFUSED him government jet

Donald Trump delivered Joe Biden one more snub Tuesday, forcing him to charter his own plane to fly from Delaware to Washington D.C. instead of authorizing an Air Force jet. The president-elect flew the short hop from his home state, after a tear-stained speech eulogizing his dead son Beau, on a private Boeing 737 – … Read more

Covid US: Joe Biden wants states to vaccinate over-65s IMMEDIATELY

President-elect Joe Biden has doubled down on his promise to get 100 million Americans vaccinated in his first 100 days but warned that ‘things will get worse before they get better’. Biden first unveiled the ambitious goal Thursday as part of his $1.9 trillion ‘American Rescue Plan’ which includes about $400 billion to tackle COVID-19. … Read more

Pelosi says Republicans who ‘aided’ Capitol riots risk prosecution

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised the possibility Friday of criminal prosecutions of Republican lawmakers if they are found to have provided Capitol tours to people who took part in the Capitol riots.  Speaking to reporters a week after a MAGA mob ransacked the Capitol and days after the House voted to impeach President Trump, the … Read more

Nancy Pelosi threatens prosecutions if Republicans are found to have ‘aided and abetted’ MAGA riot

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised the possibility Friday of criminal prosecutions of Republican lawmakers if they are found to have provided Capitol tours to people who took part in the Capitol riots.  Speaking to reporters a week after a MAGA mob ransacked the Capitol and days after the House voted to impeach President Trump, the … Read more

Nigel Farage warns Democrats they are making ‘historic mistake’ by impeaching Trump’ 

Nigel Farage warns Democrats they are making ‘historic mistake’ by impeaching Trump because ‘martyring him’ risks someone ‘far worse’ filling his shoes creating an ‘organised Far Right party’ fostering ‘chaos and disorder’ The Brexiteer said trying to remove the President would only sow more division  He said it could lead to a far-right force in … Read more

Inauguration Day 2021: National Guard troops sleep on Congress floor

Hundreds of National Guard troops are sleeping on the stone floor of the US Capitol as security intensifies in Washington DC and the capital goes into lockdown a week out from Joe Biden’s inauguration.  The troops, which descended on DC in the wake of last week’s MAGA mob riots, were spotted cradling their weapons as … Read more

4,000 ‘armed patriots’ plan to surround Congress, says Conor Lamb

Rep. Conor Lamb revealed Tuesday that law enforcement briefed lawmakers on a 4,000-person group of ‘armed patriots’ prepared to prevent Democrats from entering the Capitol as they move to impeach Donald Trump  A Democratic representative warned Tuesday that there is an ‘ongoing threat’ to the Capitol as thousands of ‘armed patriots’ are ready to descend … Read more

SECOND Democratic congresswoman tests positive for COVID-19 after sheltering during Capitol siege

Rep. Pramila Jayapal has become the second Democratic congresswoman to test positive for COVID-19 after being forced to shelter in a secure room with maskless Republicans during last Wednesday’s siege of the Capitol.   Jayapal, who represents Washington’s 7th Congressional District, revealed her diagnosis in a tweet on Monday night, blaming her political adversaries for the … Read more

Democratic congresswoman has positive Covid test after Capitol riots

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman announced she tested positive for COVID and blamed being trapped in a hold during last week’s attack on the Capitol with Republicans who refused to wear face masks Democratic Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman announced Monday she tested positive for COVID and she blamed being trapped in a hold during last week’s … Read more