MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: We must reflect on the virtues Prince Philip represented

The life of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is one of such astonishing length and intensity, stretching so far back into the unreachable past and containing so much incident, adversity and adventure that it takes Shakespeare to sum it up: ‘We that are young shall never see so much, nor live so long.’ In fact the … Read more

PENNY JUNOR: Prince Philip adored it when you stood up to him… like Prue Leith did! 

Years ago, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh paid a fleeting visit to the Surrey town of Dorking. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of wellwishers penned in behind barriers. Those at the front had been standing there for many hours. Among them was a small child holding a single daffodil. The Queen made … Read more

SARAH VINE: Real men like Prince Philip are rare these days because the modern world despises them 

A few days after the death of King George VI in February 1952, Earl Jowitt, the Lord Chancellor under Clement Attlee, addressed the House of Lords in a message of condolence to the new Queen Elizabeth II. ‘It is, I fear, inevitable that the life of the Sovereign must be in some sense a lonely … Read more

DAN HODGES: A moment of national reflection that makes Labour look irrelevant

It was a tale of three tributes.  The first was rushed out at 12.19pm on Friday by the leader of the Labour Party. ‘Prince Philip dedicated his life to our country – from a distinguished career in the Royal Navy during the Second World War to his decades of service as the Duke of Edinburgh. … Read more

Woman sparks debate over whether wearing make-up is a form of catfishing

Is wearing a full face of makeup the same as catfishing? Woman sparks debate after revealing her friends have NEVER shown their boyfriends what they really look like Woman who lives in the UK admitted she looks unrecognisable without make-up She asked members of Mumsnet if wearing makeup is a form or catfishing Many responses argued … Read more

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Brutal attack on pet dog leaves Strictly Come Dancing star Daisy Lowe reeling 

Strictly Come Dancing star Daisy Lowe is distraught after witnessing a thug kick her beloved pet dog into the air while she was taking him for a walk in the park. The lingerie model says her white Maltese terrier, Monty, was left with a broken knee, severe bruising and suspected internal bleeding after the horrific … Read more

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Sir Mick Jagger’s girlfriend ‘joins him in the Med’ (while UK tourists must wait)

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Sir Mick Jagger’s girlfriend Melanie Hamrick ‘joins him in the Mediterranean’ (while British tourists must wait) By Richard Eden for The Daily Mail Published: 22:24 BST, 9 April 2021 | Updated: 22:58 BST, 9 April 2021 While we must wait to sun ourselves in the Mediterranean, Sir Mick Jagger is already there. And … Read more

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: We salute Prince Philip, a father to our nation

Prince Philip has been such a constant and colourful feature of British life for so long it’s almost impossible to believe he’s no longer with us. Loved and admired in equal measure, his name has been synonymous with duty and public service since his marriage to the Queen 74 years ago. His sad passing, nine … Read more

JOHN HUMPHRYS: With friends like these… why does ANYONE go into politics? 

Edwina Currie and I were walking from the green room into the studio for a live On The Record interview. I mentioned the name of the prime minister. She stopped dead, fixed me with her most scornful look, spat out ‘John Major is a c***’ and walked on. I can describe that brief exchange today … Read more

AMANDA PLATELL: Prince Philip dies at 99

At times of grief, it is our close family we turn to for comfort and consolation. One can only imagine the wretchedness Prince Harry must have felt receiving that dreaded phone call telling him the terrible news that his grandfather had died. So helpless. So far away. So isolated from his family. He had not … Read more