Trump abandoned Easter plan after his campaign warned soaring deaths would damage his re-election

President Donald Trump retreated from his Easter deadline to reopen the economy , when faced with the dual realities of mounting deaths from the coronavirus and the possibility of tanking his re-election campaign. As the president pushed for a return to normal life by April 12, he was subject to an intervention from two sets of … Read more

Italy sees near-identical number of coronavirus infections and deaths for a second day

Italy today saw a near-identical number of coronavirus infections and deaths for a second day – as hopes remain the country is past the worst of the virus. The death toll climbed by 837 to 12,428, the Civil Protection Agency said, with the daily tally rising, albeit slightly, for a second day running. The number … Read more

Spain sees its highest number of deaths from coronavirus in a day

Spain has suffered its darkest day yet of the coronavirus outbreak as the number of new deaths and cases both rose by record amounts. The country registered 849 new deaths between Monday and Tuesday, taking its total from 7,340 to 8,189 – higher than the 838 it suffered overnight Sunday, which was its previous worst day. … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Analysis of initial deaths shows 73% over 75

Three quarters of the UK’s first coronavirus fatalities were over the age of 75, according to official statistics.  Details of the first 108 people to die from COVID-19 in England and Wales have emerged today in figures revealing deaths outside of NHS hospitals for the first time. They show that 59 per cent of the … Read more

Stunning graphs predict when coronavirus deaths will peak in every state

Stunning graphs have revealed when the novel coronavirus is projected to peak in every US state.  Researchers from the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics created a model showing when deaths and hospital resource use is estimated to reach their heights from coast to coast. The model shows that New York is projected to … Read more

Germany suffers its biggest daily jump in coronavirus deaths

Germany has recorded its biggest daily jump in coronavirus deaths after 128 more people were added to the death toll today. The dozens of new deaths announced by the Robert Koch Institute bring the tally from 455 to 583, an increase of more than 28 per cent.   It also brings Germany’s mortality rate up to … Read more

UK’s coronavirus outbreak is ‘starting to slow but deaths will keep rising’

UK’s coronavirus outbreak is ‘starting to slow’ but deaths will keep rising, says government expert Neil Ferguson as he suggests up to 2million people might already have been infected Professor Neil Ferguson says signs coronavirus outbreak ‘starting to slow’ in UK Government expert says rate of increase in hospital admission looks to be easing Warned … Read more

Fauci says coronavirus deaths in US could top 100,000

BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Fauci warns the coronavirus death toll in the U.S. could top 100,000 and millions of people could become infected Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, estimated the U.S. could see between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths On CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ he said he did not want to be … Read more

Keeping Covid-19 deaths below 20,000 would be a good result, says NHS medical director

Keeping Covid-19 deaths below 20,000 would be a good result, says NHS medical director Stephen Powis who says 170million masks, 25million gloves and 30million aprons have been delivered to medical staff fighting virus Stephen Powis told conference less than 20,000 deaths would be a good result He said that getting protective equipment to NHS staff … Read more

Spain suffers its worst day for coronavirus deaths with 832 in space of 24 hours

Spain suffers its worst day for coronavirus deaths with 832 in space of 24 hours – bringing national toll to 5,690 since outbreak began It beats the previous Spanish record of 769 coronavirus deaths from Friday The number of new coronavirus cases registered in the past 24 hours is 8,000 On Monday a second makeshift … Read more